Having Eyes, They See Not
This past week we were present with the Gospel story of the man who was born blind (John 9:1-38). In this story, we see Jesus healing them man by placing the c...
This past week we were present with the Gospel story of the man who was born blind (John 9:1-38). In this story, we see Jesus healing them man by placing the c...
We began this series with and essay outlining the 4 Dimensions of Spiritual Resiliency and then outlined the 12 Questions for Spiritual Awareness. In this essa...
Following up on my last essay concerning Spiritual Resiliency I thought I would now look at some ways to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves so we can bett...
Part of the training system used by the military is resiliency training. The ability to recover quickly from one mission to another is extremely important in t...
I will admit that I have had a long fascination with the Apostle Peter. When I was entering the novitiate at Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham Massachusetts,...
As you can imagine, I get involved in many conversations relating to religion, life, and death. More often than not the conversation turns to how we will be ju...
The Sunday’s prior to the start of Great Lent each carry a theme in preparation for the start of this holiest of seasons on the Church calendar. In the O...
I believe that humility is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the spiritual life. Humility is not the sense that we are worthless and that we will never ...
As a Spiritual Father, I am often asked about a plan to follow for Scripture reading. I am a proponent of daily Scripture reading no matter how much or how lit...
The last few weeks I have been writing a lot about action, make a plan, look in the mirror, and other such essays on how to get motivated to get things done. B...