We must be intentional in seeking out the goodness in the world
I have fallen into the pit of despair and felt the anger welling up inside me. In our present political climate, it is easy to go down that road of anger and de...
I have fallen into the pit of despair and felt the anger welling up inside me. In our present political climate, it is easy to go down that road of anger and de...
A few months ago I published an essay explaining the reasons why I feel that, not only as a minister but as a Christian and a human being, I am compelled to spe...
It may sound a little strange for a Christian minister to be asking such a question, but I have indeed begun to ask myself this question over the last few month...
Apparently, religious freedom is under attack in America. I guess my head must be in the sand as I do not recall my right to practice my religion being infring...
In Part 1 of this series, I opined on the question of where is God as raised in the book Grounded by Diana Butler Bass. In this part, I will explore dirt, yes ...
I have a bit of a confession. I have just started to read Grounded by Dianna Butler Bass. I know it came out last year, and yes it has been sitting on my shel...
On Christmas night I was looking for something to watch. I had my fill of Christmas movies, which seem to start earlier and earlier each year, so I needed some...
He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow t...
Then Came the Morning. I believe it was the Bill Gaither Trio that made the song that these words come from famous. It is a song about the despair that the Apo...
The 19th Chapter of the Gospel of Luke contains the story of Zacchaeus and is a story that points out to us that the grace of God can accomplish what humanity c...