First Snow Fall

I do not usually get taken by surprise by the weather, but this morning I woke up, and we had eight inches of snow on the ground.  I usually pay pretty close at...

Moral Renewal

Over the past few months, I have been involved in discussions about the moral decay of our present day society.  Now I know the argument, some will say that the...

Cheap Grace

This week I have started to read the book, “The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  I have only read the introduction and the first chapter, but alre...

Dying to Self

My guess would be that, for the vast majority of people, their experience with the Orthodox Church would have to do with encountering the Orthodox at a Liturgic...

Mending Fences

Many times in Scripture, Jesus uses images of a pastoral nature.  He is called the good shepherd, he asks Peter to feed his lambs, and we have the parable of th...

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