Blessed Are
It is important to note that at the very outset of Jesus' ministry, he stands tradition on its ear. God's kingdom, God's love will not be directed to the upper ...
It is important to note that at the very outset of Jesus' ministry, he stands tradition on its ear. God's kingdom, God's love will not be directed to the upper ...
Through the grace of baptism, we are entering a covenant relationship with God, and God is entering a convent relationship with us.
Jesus' story redeems humanity's story, providing hope amid loss and, ultimately, liberation. The story of the incarnation, God becoming human, is a story of pow...
We cannot fight for peace and justice if we do not practice peace and justice in our own lives. Likewise, we cannot find the middle ground if we despise those o...
Advent hope is fully aware of what was, what is, and what is to come.
Distractions are designed to make us look the other way. Make us give up and choose a different direction or give up all together. But what Jesus offers us toda...
No matter what, Zacchaeus is worth it, and so are you. No matter what anyone else thinks, we are worth the effort, the disruption, and the inconvenience of lovi...
We have no straight lines, and let's face it, some of us are showing our age, but grace comes along, fills in all those gaps and holes, preserves us, and saves ...
The spiritual life is a marathon, not a sprint, so take your time.
For a short period, we came together, prayed, and cried together. That is what I choose to remember about that day, not the burning and collapsing buildings but...