In the Beginning
The beginning of John’s Gospel is of such importance and of such depth of meaning that we must study it almost verse by verse. It is John’s great thought...
The beginning of John’s Gospel is of such importance and of such depth of meaning that we must study it almost verse by verse. It is John’s great thought...
“Jesus increased in wisdom and years.” Or as I like to say, “Jesus grew up.” This entire story is about Jesus growing up. It seems like just yesterday, or ra...
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a mighty savior for us in the house of h...
I stand here this morning with a heavy heart. It is difficult enough to stand here and preach the Good News, but it is especially hard to stand here and preach...
This past week the interwebs were filled with stories about the recent statistics from the Pew Research Forum that points out that fewer Americans are going to ...
There are many different styles of preaching in the Church. I tend to lean towards what is known as expository preaching. I start on Monday by looking at the ...
When reading Scripture, I always have to remind myself that we have the entire picture of what is happening but that the Apostles, and those around them, did no...
I can just see the exasperation on the face of Jesus as he is having this dialogue with his friends. He wants to go out fishing with them, but they have been o...
When invitations to a great feat, like a wedding feast, were sent out the time was left off of the invitation. When everything for the feast was ready, servant...
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the wor...