Sermon: The Real Goodness & The Real Evil
Another moment of confession; when I chose this passage and sermon title over a month ago, I was going to take this in an entirely different direction. Althoug...
Another moment of confession; when I chose this passage and sermon title over a month ago, I was going to take this in an entirely different direction. Althoug...
Most every Sunday, as I prepare to preach, we recite the 14 verse of the 19th Psalm; Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptab...
This morning we come face to face with one of the greatest miracle stories contained in the bible. This miracle story is the only miracle story that is ...
Last week, we spent time discussing seeds and soil and how both need to be the best they can be to produce the best harvest. Today we turn our attention to the...
Show of hands, how many of you have ever grown anything in the ground? Okay, so many of you are like me and have, from time to time, planted something in the g...
This weekend we call to mind the memory of the men and women who have fought to secure our freedoms. From the first shots fired on Lexington Green to th...
The following sermon was preached by the Rt Rev Dr Derek Browning, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinbur...
Many years ago, I was sitting in a church the Sunday after Easter, and as the service began, the minister welcomed everyone who had come out, looked around, and...
As many of you know, I am a living historian. What that means is, I try to recreate, or reenact if you will, a certain period. To do this, I need to not only ...
It always amazes me how, with just a few words, Jesus can flip things on their heads. It was high noon, the hottest time of the day. Jesus, weary from his long...