Elder Cleopa on Prayer
1) – Oral prayer is the first step of prayer. When we pray with our tongue, mouth and lips, we are on the lowest step of prayer. 2) – The second ste...
1) – Oral prayer is the first step of prayer. When we pray with our tongue, mouth and lips, we are on the lowest step of prayer. 2) – The second ste...
God, bless to me the new day, never vouchsafed to me before; it is to bless your own presence you have given me this time, O God. Bless to my eye, may my eye bl...
Here is a prayer that can be used at the Thanksgiving Table. It comes from the Orthodox Moleben Service for Thanksgiving. Remember on this day that we give th...
At the very heart of the Jesus Prayer lies the actual experience of the body as the temple of the Spirit; in other words, the Spirit dwells in our body (see 1 C...
For centuries people have been placing themselves under the protection of the Holy Theotokos. This can be done for many reasons, in times of need or great dist...
Every Sunday, feastday and other holy day, when we go into our parish temple, we see the heart of the parish which is the sanctuary, where the Holy Table is. Wh...
By Fr. Lawrence Farley The service of Vespers is, I think, dramatically under-appreciated today. The temptation for us busy people is to reduce our church-goin...
Thou Who at all times and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, art worshipped and glorified, O Christ God, Who art long suffering, plenteous in mercy, most co...
The prayer rope was formed by St. Pachomius in the fourth century. The rope is used with the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a s...
I woke this morning to the news that the United States Ambassador to Libya had been killed in the uprising at the Consulate last night or early this morning. T...