Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer Thanks be to Thee, Jesus Christ,Who brought’st me up from last night,To the gladsome light of this day,To win everlasting life for my soul,...


I am participating in what is called a blog carnival today. The idea is to get many bloggers to write about the same topic on the same day and then link all of ...


I have not really been following all of the event going on in Iran but it looks like there is a change in the air. Last night it was announced that the present ...

Update on Mom

If you follow me on either Twitter or Facebook you know that yesterday afternoon I received a call from my father that my mother had yet again gone to the hospi...

Maundy Thursday

Collect for Maundy Thursday Almighty Father, whose dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant t...

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