Primary Election

I have to admit I love politics.  I love the process, sometimes I like the outcome and sometimes I don’t but that is the way it works here in America...

First They Came…

Yesterday I posted a reaction to the proposed Quran burning that will take place on September 11th in Florida.  Some have reacted that by commenting it rai...

Burning the Quran

This past Sunday, while I was preaching on the love of Christ as found in the Gospel of St. Matthew, another Christian preacher was preaching hate at his Church...

Spelling Counts

In Massachusetts we have several Constitutional Officers elected every four years.  Auditor is one of those positions although I cannot for the life of me ...

New Poll

My friend and fellow blogger Dennis has posted a poll regarding the Islamic Center in New York.  Please take a moment to take the poll it is only one ...

Exact Language

Language is one of those interesting things to look at.  Language and praise and language can punish.  Sometimes, if we wish to be understood, we need...

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