Freedom of Speech Part II
I guess I did not make myself very clear in my previous post. I was not saying that I don’t think that these guys should say what they want, by all means ...
I guess I did not make myself very clear in my previous post. I was not saying that I don’t think that these guys should say what they want, by all means ...
Tomorrow some 35 clergy from around the country will be using their pulpits to make a point that they should be able to say what they want without any consequen...
I am not sure if you watched the debate last night I thought they both did a good job. I would not want to be in either one of their shoes at this point in hist...
The United Nations had a big meeting the other day on the Millennium Development Goals. I think these are great but I wonder if it is the responsibility of the ...
If you live in Massachusetts today is primary election day. As Christians we have an obligation to participate in the process of electing our leaders. We have t...
To start with I fell asleep before Gov Palin’s speech last night so I cannot comment on it but by accounts she did a good job and introduced herself well ...
I have to start from the very beginning by saying I am not a woman and I have no children but the nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin as VP has brought this question...
Well news is out that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant that she intends to wed the father of the child. Good for her! We all make mistakes and we can learn ...
I promised in an earlier post that I would post links to the two Presidential Campaigns on the side bar, well there they are. I only linked to the Republican an...
I would not want to be the organizers of this years convention. What to do? With Gustav bearing down on the US do they keep going as planned or scale things bac...