Merry Christmas

*Twas the month before Christmas**When all through our land,**Not a Christian was praying**Nor taking a stand.**See the PC Police had taken away,**The reason fo...

Great Local Blogs

I have recently come across two great local blogs. If you live in the Central Massachusetts area or if you like local politics and issues check out these two bl...

Election Blogging

I am going to be live blogging the results as long as I can stay awake that is. 11:00pm CNN Projects:Obama Wins 10:25pm CNN Projects:TX – McCainMS –...

Today is the Day

So it has arrived. For the past 18 months we have been inundated with political stuff and it is now our turn to cast our vote. It is up to us now to make the di...

Blog Martyr

If anyone thinks discipleship does not have a cost you need to read this story. Rania was from Saudi Arabia, you remember them they are our partners in the Midd...

Religion and Politics

There is an excellent op-ed piece going around about the role religion has taken in this political season. I highly recommend you read it. Using religion to win...

Debate Follow-up

So I watched the entire thing and my statement about it not changing any minds I think holds true. I am not sure how Palin’s folksy way will play with the...


The debate is on right now. We shall see what happens. I think most people will watch but I am not sure how many minds will change because of this. Palin needs ...

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