A Tribute for my Father
The Eulogy delivered at my father's funeral on December 8, 2019
The Eulogy delivered at my father's funeral on December 8, 2019
Putting together an event such as a family reunion is never just the work of one person. Many hands make the event as great as I thought our most recent reunio...
If you have been following these pages for any length of time, you know that my family is heavily involved in family research. We can trace our ancestors back ...
If you are like me, you have only heard or read about the Jewish custom of Bar Mitzvah. I had an intellectual knowledge of what it was all about –...
If you are a follower of these pages you know that I have been engaged in family research for some time. It is always fun in this type of research, when you fi...
At the time of this writing I am in Machias Maine on the last leg of my three day family research trip. I began this journey on Tuesday in York and have slowly...
There is no doubt that life on the frontier was difficult. The ability to survive the harsh conditions meant the difference between life and death, and this wa...
I have been engaged in family research for many years. My brothers and I set out on this time of discovery and it has turned into an on again off again affair ...
For the last 20 years or so, my brothers and I have been involved in researching our family heritage. We have spent most of that time researching the Preble si...