Closing a Misison

Yesterday was a very busy and emotional day. I had the sad duty to help in the closing of a mission parish not far from my parish. As I understand it the missio...

Orthodox Scandal

I have written in the Past about bishop Tobin from Rhode Island and his very public scolding of Rep. Patrick Kennedy on his stance on abortion. Bishop Tobin has...

The Mundane

It is funny. When you are preparing for ministry you learn all sorts of cool things. Christology, theology, liturgics, pastoral theology and the like. The funny...


I have posted on this topic before but now we see it on the evening news. Last week all we witnessed that tragic shootings at Ft. Hood, Texas. We are all asking...

85 Years of Ministry

Yesterday my parish celebrated her patronal feast day. We also celebrated 85 years of ministry here in Southbridge. 85 years ago a group of faithful people from...


I like Rick Warren. I think he has much to offer those of us working in Church leadership. I know some of my more Orthodox readers believe that we cannot learn ...

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