Recently I wrote about loving your enemies. I spoke on this topic in church last Sunday and had some comments after from parishioners. Like I said, this is a hard topic for us to deal with as Christians. I mean of all the scriptural things that we have to deal with, this has to be the biggest one.
This past week we saw play out on TV the shooting of the girls at the Amish school in Pensylvania. I cannot imagine what that must have been like for the girls or for their families. To see the way the community came together and prayed was an amazing thing. Part of the Amish belief is this intense sense of forgiveness. It was reported in the news that the families have already forgiven the man who took the lives of their daughters. That is forgiveness. Try that one on for size. I also just heard on the news that one of the girls volunteered to be shot first. Such courage in one so young. Such faith in people that we know very little about.
Another act of forgiveness came to my attention this week. Sister Leonella Sgobarti a Roman Catholic Nun of the Consolata Missionaries was murdered in Somalia in September. It has been reported that as Sister lay on the ground dying she was heard whispering that she forgives the people who did this to her. WOW that is big.
Here are two examples of what I can only imagine are many. We find it hard to forgive someone who cuts us off in traffic and these people forgave people who killed. Such faith.