Busy Day
Election Season
Scottish Saints
Since I am in my Celtic mood I thought I would post today’s saint from Scotland. Not much is known about today’s saint. I took this information from Catholic Online.
St. Marnock
Feastday: October 25 & March 1
Irish bishop, a disciple of St. Columba. He resided on Jona, Scotland, and is also called Marnan, Marnanus, or Marnoc. He died at Annandale and is revered on the Scottish border. His name was given to Kilmarnock, Scotland.
Fr. Greg had a post today about the books he is working his way through so I thought I would post a list here of what I am trying to get through. Now a word of caution, I am not actively reading all these books, but I am reading them. Here is the list;
God is Love – Pope Benedict XVI
Clans & Chiefs – Ian Grimble
Scotland, The Story of a Nation – Magnus Magnusson (Love that name)
A Church in Search of itself – Robert Blair Kaiser
Bannock Burn – Charles Randolph Bruce
Celtic Christianity – Timothy Joyce
As you can see I am going through my Celtic phase right now.
Going My Way
Yesterday I watched the movie Going My Way staring Bing Crosby. During the movie the host gives out several facts about the movie and the production. The actor that plays the gruff priest Fr. Fitzgibbons, Barry Fitzgerald, was nominated for the best supporting actor and the best actor for the same movie. This was the first and last time this happened. Barry won the best supporting actor award for his role, and the next year the rule was changed so an actor can only be nominated in one category per movie.