St. Brice was raised by St. Martin of Tours at Marmoutier and also known as Britius. He became a vain, overly ambitious cleric, holding Martin in great contempt. Despite Brice’s attitude, Martin was most patient with him, and in time, in great remorse, he asked Martin’s forgiveness for his attitude toward him. He succeeded Martin as Bishop of Tours in 397 but reverted to his old ways, neglected his duties, was several times accused of lackness and immorality. Though cleared of the latter charge, he was exiled from his See. He went to Rome and in the seven years of his exile there, repented and completely changed his life style. When the administrator of his See, in his absence died, he returned and ruled with such humility, holiness, and ability, he was venerated as a saint by the time of his death. His feast day is November 13th.
25th Sunday After Pentecost
Ephesians 4:1-7
Luke 10:25-37
St. Martin of Tours
Veteran’s Day
Wal-Mart Wishes All Merry Christmas
“America is an overwhelmingly Christian nation, and the vast majority of people who aren’t Christian have absolutely no problem with seeing people celebrating their holiday.” Wal-Mart spokeswoman Linda Blakley said the company had seen the error of its ways. “We, quite frankly, have learned a lesson from last year. We’re not afraid to use the term ‘Merry Christmas’. We’ll use it early, and we’ll use it often,” she told the USA Today newspaper.
Wal-Mart may have bowed to commercial imperatives in refusing to play the Grinch.
Big Day in Massachusetts Follow Up
Big Day in Massachusetts
Okay, long introduction to the topic os same sex marriage. Today the Great and General Court of Massachusetts will meet in Constitutional Convention and one of the items on the agenda is allowing the people of Massachusetts to vote on this issue. I don’t think I need to write about all that has gone in Massachusetts regarding this issue, and not coming down on either side, this is more about the process than the issue itself.
The folks that want the definition of marriage to be between one man and one woman have done all that is required of them. They have collected all the signatures that are needed, and now it is up to the politicians to vote, in two legislative sessions, to allow the question to be placed on the ballot in 2008 so all the residents of Massachusetts can decide. With me so far? All this seems simple. This is how it works here and has worked here for generations. However, it seems the President of the Senate plans to call for a recess so the cowards on Beacon Hill will not have to take stand, that we pay them to do by the way, and let the people vote. If you are so confident that the people will up hold the decision and allow same sex marriage to continue, then let us have our voice. What is the problem. The problem is this, the majority of people in Massachusetts oppose this and want the traditional definition of marriage.
So all we poor peons can do is sit back and wait to see what happens. They were supposed to vote on this before the election, but so it would not be an issue in the election, the postponed the vote until today. LET THE PEOPLE VOTE. I believe the fought a revolution for this right. I believe almost 3,000 American Soldiers have lost their lives in the Middle East to secure this right for others while that right is being taken away from us. LET THE PEOPLE VOTE.
If you live here in the Commonwealth you should be outraged that one man is deciding for all of us what the Constitution of this state will say. It might be too late but start calling.
Okay climbing off my soap box now.