Okay so I made the switch to the new blogging software, let’s see if it is any different.
Benedict and Bartholomew
Here is a link to the prayer.
30th Sunday After Pentecost
Colossians 3:12-16
Luke 18:18-27
Fr. Greg has a great post about Christmas. Check it out.
Liturgical Words
Entrance of the Mother of God in the Temple
Hebrews 9:1-7
Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Today we celebrate the feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God in the Temple although not a biblical event it is one of the 12 major feast days of the Church. What are we celebrating in this feast? Fr. Thomas Hopko states in his book the Winter Pascha:
“Its purpose is not so much to commemorate an historical happening as to celebrate a dogmatic mystery of the Christian faith, namely, that every human being is made to be a living temple of God.” (p 16)
In the entrance into the temple she becomes the new spiritual temple of the indwelling of God that through her we all become in her Son and the Holy Spirit. It is through this that we all become the church. This is the beginning of all that is to come for us as Christians.
26th Sunday After Pentecost
Luke 12:16-21
I believe that this is one of the most misunderstood gospel passages and I get to preach on it today. It speaks of storing up treasures and I think it is a gospel about faith, faith in God and not in your stuff. I also think that what Jesus is getting at here is not that stuff is bad but rather we should not love those things in life that will not last over the stuff that will like the love of God. Simple, yes, but difficult at the same time.
We all love our stuff. Last week people stood out in line for hours to get the new PS3 game thing, that I will admit I know nothing about. I still like the old pong game from my youth. However, here are these people with nothing better to do staying out in all weather just to buy a game. And the worst part of that is that at a Wal-Mart near the village a person was shot waiting in line. The other part of this is that these were not kids standing in line but adults! I would say that these folks love their stuff more and they love God.
An interesting question is do you love your stuff so much that you would be willing to give it all up? Several times in the Gospel Jesus tells us to go sell all we have and give it to the poor. Have we done that? I am sure most of us have not. I know I have not. There is something very comfortable about my stuff, the laptop I am using right now for example. But we must be willing to give it all up.
Another question would be, do we trust God for what we need? How many of us are willing to just say God will provide? I am not saying that we should just lie about and say God will provide, not it won’t work trust me I have tried. God gave us talent and we must use that talent, but He will provide. Faith is the theme here of today’s Gospel. Faith in God and not in man is what we are getting at.
St. Hilda
Moved by the example of her sister Hereswith, who, after marrying Ethelhere of East Anglia, became a nun at Chelles in Gaul, Hilda also journeyed to East Anglia, intending to follow her sister abroad. But St. Aidan recalled her to her own country, and after leading a monastic life for a while on the north bank of the Wear and afterwards at Hartlepool, where she ruled a double monastery of monks and nuns with great success, Hilda eventually undertook to set in order a monastery at Streaneshalch, a place to which the Danes a century or two later gave the name of Whitby.
Under the rule of St. Hilda the monastery at Whitby became very famous. The Sacred Scriptures were specially studied there, and no less than five of the inmates became bishops, St. John, Bishop of Hexham, and still more St. Wilfrid, Bishop of York, rendering untold service to the Anglo-Saxon Church at this critical period of the struggle with paganism. Here, in 664, was held the important synod at which King Oswy, convinced by the arguments of St. Wilfrid, decided the observance of Easter and other moot points. St. Hilda herself later on seems to have sided with Theodore against Wilfrid. The fame of St. Hilda’s wisdom was so great that from far and near monks and even royal personages came to consult her. Seven years before her death the saint was stricken down with a grievous fever which never left her till she breathed her last, but, in spite of this, she neglected none of her duties to God or to her subjects. She passed away most peacefully after receiving the Holy Viaticum, and the tolling of the monastery bell was heard miraculously at Hackness thirteen miles away, where also a devout nun named Begu saw the soul of St. Hilda borne to heaven by angels.
With St. Hilda is intimately connected the story of Caedmon (q. v.), the sacred bard. When he was brought before St. Hilda she admitted him to take monastic vows in her monastery, where he most piously died.
The cultus of St. Hilda from an early period is attested by the inclusion of her name in the calendar of St. Willibrord, written at the beginning of the eighth century. It was alleged at a later date the remains of St. Hilda were translated to Glastonbury by King Edmund, but this is only part of the “great Glastonbury myth.” Another story states that St. Edmund brought her relics to Gloucester. St. Hilda’s feast seems to have been kept on 17 November. There are a dozen or more old Egnlish churches dedicated to St. Hilda on the northeast coast and South Shields is probably a corruption of St. Hilda.