Sunday of Forgiveness

On Forgiveness Sunday, the last of the pre-Lenten Sundays, we contemplate our separation from God, our expulsion from paradise. The services for this day continual­ly resound this theme as recorded in Mat­thew 6:14-21. We find ourselves cast out of paradise, sitting outside in darkness and apart from the God who is the source of Life and Light. We are weeping. We desire forgiveness. We seek mercy. And so we must ourselves forgive and be merciful.
If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15
The whole of Great Lent, as the whole of life, is a movement toward resurrection in paradise. We may enter in only if God forgives us our sins – and God will forgive us if we forgive others. With forgiveness not only in mind, but in action, we enter the season of Great Lent.

Maimed patients say the system wears them down

Here is another story about the neglect of our soldiers in hospitals. This time however the VA is not the subject of the article but Walter Reed Army Hospital. This place has always been the crown jewel in the military hospital system but it is overwhelmed with patients. I don’t blame the hospital, although I am sure they carry some of the blame, but the system. We keep sending our troops out the front door but we do not think about when they come back.

Read the Article from the Boston Globe Here.


One of the many hats I wear is as a member of the Southbridge Historical Commission. The Commission is charged with keeping the history in the town alive and in good condition. I came across this article in the Boston Globe today about the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC. It is amazing how our cemeteries are neglected. We need to do a better job. Just as a note J. Edgar Hoover is buried in this cemetery.

Congressional Cemetery Website


Never being one to enter a room that I am not wanted in, I thought I would share this link with you all about the situation going on in the Anglican Communion. Things are not all sunshine and roses at their meeting in Africa.

Anglican Storm Clouds

Parish Renovation

Today is a big day in the life of our little parish. The bathrooms in the parish hall, circa 1950, are getting a much needed face lift. Right now I can hear the pounding of sledge hammers are the workers are removing the old floor tiles to make way for a new floor. Although this may not seem like a big deal to some, this is a really big deal for us and will give us a fresh start and is the first step in rebuilding this church.
The work is being done through a community service program of the Worcester County Sheriff’s office. Sheriff Guy Glodis has a program where inmates from the County Jail are sent out, with an officer, to work around the community in the construction field. They are taking care of the rip out today and then after the plumber does his thing, they will come back and install the new windows, doors, and paint. This is a great program and I am happy that we are able to take advantage of this and also it is a ministry that we are able to help these guys learn a trade and keep them on the right path. I will try and post some pictures as work progresses.

Judgment Sunday

This Sunday of the pre-Lenten season is the Sunday of the Last Judgment. On this day we see, in the Gospel lesson from Matthew 25:31-46, the conditions upon which we will be judged by Jesus Christ. We see, therefore, the conditions of the reward for our righteousness. We see what we must do in our lives on earth and are challenged to undertake a lifestyle which will bring us to eternal life on the day of Jesus Christ’s Se­cond Coming, the day of universal and eter­nal resurrection.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me… Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me. Matthew 25:35-36, 40
On this we are judged. By recognizing Christ in those around us and by treating them accordingly, we attain salvation. We see Christ. We see ourselves. We return to the Father who shows us His Son in the least of our brothers and sisters.

Saturday of Souls

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

Luke 21:8-9, 25-27, 35-36

Today is the first Saturday of the Souls in the Orthodox Church. On this day we remember all of those who have gone before us and we pray for them. Tomorrow is the Sunday of the Last Judgement so it is fitting that on this day before we remember those who have died. We pray for all that have departed in faith and hope of resurrection, beseeching the righteous judge to show forth His mercy upon them on the very day of impartial retribution at the universal judgement.

The church has received this custom through the Apostolic Constitution (Book VIII, ch. 42). We also commemorate the dead on the third, ninth, and fortieth day after their death and then each year after for three years. The Apostolic Father taught that since many had died in faraway places and did not have the benefit of these services a common memorial should be said for all the pious Orthodox Christians who have died from all the ages past.

The Icon used on this day is the same as that for tomorrow the Last Judgement included here.

The So Called Independant Church

A quick scan around the Internet will reveal many so called “Independent Churches” that have a presence on the net. The ones I like best are the ones that use Geocities or one of the other free website places. I guess they cannot afford the $8.50 that Yahoo charges to host my parishes website.
Anyway one of the best things about these churches is that everyone gets to be a bishop. Almost everyone of them is a bishop or better yet metropolitan archbishop. I guess if for some reason you cannot be a priest in a church one can just start one of their own. What does it mean be to canonical anyway. For the Orthodox this is a big deal, and I know for our Roman Catholic friends it is just as important. For us if you are not canonical you are not orthodox.
I think its funny that if you surf to anyone of these churches their case for Apostolic Succession is right there on the first page. However, if you surf over to any Roman Catholic Diocese or any Orthodox diocese you would be hard pressed to find such a thing. Why is that?
So where does that leave us? Just be careful when looking around for a church. If your Orthodox then SCOBA is the place to start. The Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas is the group of, dare I say “REAL” orthodox bishops in the United States. These are the guys that rule over the Canonical Jurisdictions in the US. If a church is under one of them you are good to go, if not, shake the dust off your sandals and move on. Sorry to be so blunt, but this has gone on long enough. We need to start speaking out about these one and two person churches with 47 bishops.

Okay, rant is over for the day!

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