Acts 6:1-7
Mark 15:43-47
Huw has taged me with Six Wierd Things meme, so here they are:
1. I play the clarinette
2. I love bagpipe music
3. I wear a kilt
4. I used to collect elephants
5. My Favorite Author is WEB Giriffin
6. I own 2 trailers
regarding the tragedy at Virginia Tech University
Most Reverend Fathers,
Beloved Faithful,
Christ is Risen!
This past week we have witnessed the unspeakable tragedy taking place on the campus of Virginia Tech. The peace of this place was suddenly and violently changed forever. We mourn for those who have been taken away from us, and we share our compassion with their families and friends as they are trying to understand why this did happen. We keep in our prayers Professor Liviu Librescu, of Romanian origin, who voluntarily gave up his life for the love and the welfare of his students. During such difficult moments we often turn to God in prayer, and as we do, I ask each one of you to pray for the victims of this tragedy and for all of their families, as this will be a long process of recovery.
Please join me and the entire Archdiocese as we offer our prayer, and as we express our most sincere sympathy to the Virginia Tech Community. We pray during this time of the Resurrection that those whose life was taken away, may rest in a place of light, in a place of green pastures, in a place of rest from where pain, sorrow and sighing have been taken away.
Your brother in prayer to God,
Virginia Teach
Fun with Google Maps
H/T to WardWideWeb
Go to
Click “Directions.
“In “From” type New York.
In “To” type London.
See step #24.
Mass. to observe statewide day of mourning for Va. Tech victims
BOSTON –Gov. Deval Patrick declared Friday as a statewide day of mourning for the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings, coordinating with a similar observance in Virginia.
The dead included a student from Massachusetts.
St. Donnan
Scottish Bishops Urge a Value Vote
In a strongly worded letter to be read at all Masses in Scotland’s 500 Catholic parishes, the bishops said: “We invite you to look beyond the superficially attractive and fashionable to recognize those policies and values which are most in tune with the dignity of the human person and with the common good of our society.”
The bishops’ deepest concerns are directed at legislation permitting “abortion, embryo experimentation, easy divorce and civil partnerships.” They also fear a future campaign to legalize euthanasia.
Beyond this, the bishops’ letter explained: “We find ourselves having to counter criticism of the very existence of Catholic schools, in large part prompted by an agenda which aims to remove religion from the public sphere.”
“These dubious innovations are detrimental not just to the good of the Catholic community but to the common good of humanity as a whole,” the bishops said. “They deserve to be challenged at the ballot box.”