Russian Orthodox Reconciliation Hailed

MOSCOW, MAY 24, 2007 ( The Catholic archbishop of Moscow has applauded the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church after an 80-year schism.

Interfax reported that Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, of the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, said in a letter to Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia: “The bridging of divisions between Christians always means triumph of a love that overcomes everything.

“It is an instance of direct obedience to the commandment of Christ, ‘That they may all be one’; it is a good example for all people who are divided, an example not only for Christians, and not only for believers.”

Archbishop Kondrusiewicz added: “The healing of the schism and the Eucharistic reunification of Orthodox Christians will have a deep peacemaking effect on the entire Russian society, on the hearts and minds of our compatriots living both in Russia and outside of it.”

The archbishop also said that the agreement, reuniting the Moscow-based Russian Orthodox Church and the New York-based Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, is a sign of hope for further dialogue between the Russian Orthodox and Catholic Church.


St. Cathan

Missed this one yesterday.

St. Cathan
Feastday: May 17
6th or 7th century

Bishop of the isle of Bute, in Scotland, called Kil-Cathan in his honor. A tomb bearing his name was found near Londonderry, Ireland, but Scottish scholars claim his remains are at Kil-Cathan.

Some Random Thoughts

This has been a very different week here in the Village. I worked most of the week at the Fire House working on a vehicle that should make my life a little easier as I try and get around getting to fires and such. Right now I use my own vehicle to respond to fires and other calls where the chaplain can be of use. However, my truck is not four wheel drive and is unable to get around in all weather. So, thanks to the military surplus program, the fire department was able to secure two Chevy Blazers. Thanks to some grant money we have the fund to get them ready for the road. My vehicle, the guys are already referring to it as “God Squad 1” will be used as a rehab truck. I will carry water, a tent, and some other items that will make their life a little easier while they fight fires. We hope to have it on the road in the next few weeks. All that is left is the red paint.
We had some interesting weather here this week also. On Wednesday we were under a tornado watch for a few hours. I have to say, and I think I have said this before, tornadoes freak me out. I have never been in one, but I can only imagine what it would be like. So I was a tad nervous. However the rain, wind, and lighting kept us busy at the fire house.
Yesterday I had jury duty. I have had jury duty before and never been able to serve on a jury because I was not picked. I thought this would be the time for sure. So off I went to the court house and hung around until 12:30pm and then… They let us all go. I was disappointed but maybe next time. Three years to wait.
This weekend will be busy. Tomorrow my nephew receives his first communion so I will be driving home to participate in that celebration. Back out here for Liturgy on Sunday, then back home for a meeting with the St. Andrew’s Society, then back out here for a meeting at the Fire House. Keep in mind it is about 130 miles round trip so that will be almost 400 miles in two days. Boy oh boy.
Next week is the annual retreat with the Fire Chaplains. This is always a restful time and this year we have added a day so from Monday afternoon until Wednesday night I will be away from the village. I am so looking forward to a little rest.
Neither Fr. Greg or myself were able to podcast this week, we hope to get back on track for next week. Just a reminder that you can subscribe to our podcasts by going to itunes. Both the Shepherd of Souls podcast and the Facing East podcast are available there.

Bush hails deal on immigration reform

By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press Writer May 17, 2007

WASHINGTON –Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.

The plan would create a temporary worker program to bring new arrivals to the U.S and a separate program to cover agricultural workers. Skills and education-level would for the first time be weighted over family connections in deciding whether future immigrants should get permanent legal status. New high-tech employment verification measures also would be instituted to ensure that workers are here legally.

The compromise came after weeks of painstaking closed-door negotiations that brought the most liberal Democrats and the most conservative Republicans together with President Bush’s Cabinet officers to produce a highly complex measure that carries heavy political consequences.
Bush called it “a much-needed solution to the problem of illegal immigration in this country” and said, if approved, the proposal “delivers an immigration system that is secure, productive, orderly and fair.”

“With this bipartisan agreement, I am confident leaders in Washington can have a serious, civil and conclusive debate so I can sign comprehensive reform into law this year,” he said in a written statement. Bush planned to make remarks about the bill later Thursday at the White House.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, his party’s lead negotiator on the deal, hailed it as “the best possible chance we will have in years to secure our borders and bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America.”

Anticipating criticism from conservatives, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said, “It is not amnesty. This will restore the rule of law.”

The accord sets the stage for what promises to be a bruising battle next week in the Senate on one of Bush’s top non-war priorities.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called the proposal a “starting point” for that debate, but added that it needs improvement.

“I have serious concerns about some aspects of this proposal, including the structure of the temporary worker program and undue limitations on family immigration,” Reid said in a statement.

The key breakthrough came when negotiators struck a bargain on a so-called “point system” that prioritizes immigrants’ education and skill level over family connections in deciding how to award green cards.

The immigration issue also divides both parties in the House, which isn’t expected to act unless the Senate passes a bill first.

The proposed agreement would allow illegal immigrants to come forward and obtain a “Z visa” and — after paying fees and a $5,000 fine — ultimately get on track for permanent residency, which could take between eight and 13 years. Heads of household would have to return to their home countries first.

They could come forward right away to claim a probationary card that would let them live and work legally in the U.S., but could not begin the path to permanent residency or citizenship until border security improvements and the high-tech worker identification program were completed.

A new temporary guest worker program would also have to wait until those so-called “triggers” had been activated.

Those workers would have to return home after work stints of two years, with little opportunity to gain permanent legal status or ever become U.S. citizens. They could renew their guest worker visas twice, but would be required to leave for a year in between each time.

Democrats had pressed instead for guest workers to be permitted to stay and work indefinitely in the U.S.

In perhaps the most hotly debated change, the proposed plan would shift from an immigration system primarily weighted toward family ties toward one with preferences for people with advanced degrees and sophisticated skills. Republicans have long sought such revisions, which they say are needed to end “chain migration” that harms the economy, while some Democrats and liberal groups say it’s an unfair system that rips families apart.

Family connections alone would no longer be enough to qualify for a green card — except for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens.

New limits would apply to U.S. citizens seeking to bring foreign-born parents into the country.

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