Church Teaching?

There has been a storm brewing in St. Louis over Archbishop Raymond Burke holding fast to church teaching. Now you might say, “What’s wrong with that?” Well in this country we do not want anyone telling us how to live. Our Christian faith, or for that matter our Jewish faith or our Muslim faith has a set doctrine that we believe in. We are not cafeteria Christians, Muslims, or Jews. For example, you cannot be pro-choice and be an Orthodox Christian. You may think you can, but let me ask this. Can you be an Orthodox Christian and not believe in the Resurrection? Now I am not putting the Resurrection on the same level as being pro-choice, but the point is we believe in a certain way of life, and if you do not believe in that way of life, you do not belong.
I have not commented much on the trouble that our Episcopal Brothers and Sisters are going through in this country, but as I see it part of the problem is they are wishy washy on what they believe. Jesus came to teach a way of life, we either accept it whole or we reject it.
Here is a story in Today’s Boston Globe about Archbishop Burke. I think that he is doing what he is supposed to be doing. We live in a society that has no moral center, because we try to be politically correct in everything we do. As preachers it is our responsibility to preach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If we start to water down our faith to make it easier for the faithful, then all we have done is harm the faithful. Sin is sin and we need to start talking about it again.
It is not easy to be a Christian in this life, but you know Jesus never said it would be easy. If you are a preacher, preach it and preach it well. Do yourself and your flock a favor and tell the truth not some poll tested watered down version of the truth. Leave that to the politicians.

PTSD Means Home Isn’t So Sweet

Post-war soldier suicides on the rise as the military struggles to reach out

WASHINGTON— In the three months after Marine Maj. John Ruocco returned from Iraq feeling numb and depressed, he couldn’t sleep. He had lost weight. He had nightmares. He was distracted and withdrawn from his two young sons.

One night, he promised his wife, Kim, that he would get help. The next morning, he was dead.
The 40-year-old Cobra helicopter pilot from Newbury, Mass., had hanged himself.

There are others. Army reservist Joshua Omvig. Army Capt. Michael Pelkey. Marines Jonathan Schulze and Jeffrey Lucey. Each came home from tours in Iraq and committed suicide.

Veterans’ groups and families who have lost loved ones say the number of troops struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health issues is on the increase and not enough help is being provided by the Pentagon and the Veterans Affairs Department.

For some, there are long waits for appointments at the VA or at military posts. For others, the stigma of a mental health disorder keeps them from seeking help.

Paul Rieckhoff, executive director and founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, says that although suicides among troops returning from the war are a significant problem, the scope is unknown.

“The problem that we face right now is that there’s no method to track veterans coming home,” said Rieckhoff, who served in Iraq as a platoon leader in the first year of the war. “There’s no system. There’s no national registry.”

More than four years into the war, the government has little information on suicides among Iraq war veterans.

“We don’t keep that data,” said Karen Fedele, a VA spokeswoman in Washington. “I’m told that somebody here is going to do an analysis, but there just is nothing right now.”

The Defense Department does track suicides, but only among troops in combat operations such as Iraq and Afghanistan and in surrounding areas. Since the war started four years ago, 107 suicides during Iraq operations have been recorded by the Defense Manpower Data Center, which collects data for the Pentagon. That number, however, usually does not include troops who return home from the war zone and then take their lives.

For service members returning from combat, post-deployment health assessments include a questionnaire with queries about mental health. This year, the Pentagon expanded health monitoring for war veterans to include another screening three to six months after combat.

“We’re trying to reach out,” said Maj. Gen. Gale S. Pollock, the Army’s acting surgeon general. “Will we get to everyone on time? No, I wish we could.”

Pollock said the Army is expanding a program started in January at Fort Bragg, N.C., which aims to lessen the stigma associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. It brings behavioral health staff directly into primary care clinics instead of making soldiers go to a separate mental health facility for help.

Earlier this month, a Pentagon task force warned that the military health care system is overburdened and not sufficient to meet the needs of troops suffering from PTSD and other psychological problems. The panel called for a fundamental shift in treatment to focus on screening and prevention instead of relying on troops to come forward on their own.

Shortcomings in mental health care were also identified in a recent report by the VA’s inspector general. It found that several of the agency’s hospitals and clinics lacked properly trained workers and had inadequate screening for mental health problems. It said this put Iraq veterans at increased risk of suicide.

Floyd G. “Shad” Meshad, president and founder of the California-based National Veterans Foundation, has no doubt that military suicides are a growing problem. He said he receives two to three calls each week from Iraq veterans contemplating suicide — or from their families.

A Vietnam veteran who has counseled other vets for more than 30 years, Meshad runs a toll-free support line based in Los Angeles. He was asked recently to help train counselors at the Suicide Prevention Center in Los Angeles, where a spike in calls from veterans has been reported.

One of the biggest challenges for troubled vets is the stigma of a mental health disorder, Meshad said. “It’s very, very hard for you to reach out and say ‘I’m hurting.’ It’s hard for men to do it, but particularly (for) a soldier who’s endured life and death situations.”

Kim Ruocco said her husband, John, was a role model for the young Marines he led in war. He worried about the ramifications of seeking help, personally and professionally.

“He felt like that was the end of everything for him,” Kim Ruocco recalls. “He felt like his Marines would, you know, be let down.”

Ruocco ended his life in February 2005, a few weeks before he was to redeploy to Iraq.

Joshua L. Omvig, 22, a member of the Army Reserve from Grundy Center, Iowa, also took his own life. In December 2005, after an 11-month tour in Iraq, he shot himself in front of his mother.

His parents, Ellen and Randall Omvig, say Joshua wouldn’t talk much about Iraq. They tried to get him help, but he worried that it would hurt his career if the Army found out, his father said.

Randy Omvig says the military and VA need to offer better readjustment counseling.

The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is considering a bill named for Joshua Omvig. It directs the VA to develop a suicide prevention program for veterans suffering from PTSD and other depression problems. It unanimously passed the House in March.

Jonathan Schulze of New Prague, Minn., also tried to get help after he came home from Iraq. His parents say he asked to be admitted to a VA hospital but was turned away twice. The VA disputes that. The Marine hanged himself in January at the age of 25.

For Marine Jeffrey M. Lucey, the return home from Iraq was followed by months of emotional and mental torment, said his father, Kevin Lucey. The 23-year-old killed himself in June 2004 at his parents’ home in Belchertown, Mass. His father found him dead in the basement, hanging by a garden hose.

PTSD disability claims to the VA increased almost 80 percent over five years — from 120,265 in 1999 to 215,871 in 2004. Benefit payments jumped nearly 150 percent, from $1.72 billion to $4.28 billion in the same period.

Memorial Day

Tomorrow, May 28th in the United States we celebrate Memorial Day. Basically now we use it to make the begining of the summer. People go away to their lake houses and other such places. However, what is the traditional meaning of memorial day. Well, thanks to Wikipedia we have this article to guide us.
As of May 24, 2007 there have been 3, 435 American deaths in the War in Iraq. For a list of the names and pictures of the brave men and women who have given their lives check out the page at CNN. What ever your feelings on the war, we must pause and remember those that have given thier lives in the struggle.


This week began with a retreat/conference with the other fire chaplains in Massachusetts. This is an annual event and each year we have a different theme. This year was Faithful in Our Calling: “Serving Those Who Serve” It was a blessing to be able to get away and spend time with other chaplains and also to get some rest. We had different session during the time are were asked to write on different topics. One was prayer and our prayer life and how that translates into our ministry. I usually do not like these kinds of things, getting in touch with yourself, but this was a great exercise and I learned many things for others. One thing I learned is that I do not pray enough and I need to change that.
So back to the real world and the tasks that need to be completed around the church. I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning the house, doing laundry, grocery shopping and putting the air conditioners in the windows of the house. This weekend it is supposed to be in the 90’s so I hunker down in the a/c and wait for the temp to drop. I do not like the heat. Let’s hope I get to heaven!
Tomorrow we have liturgy here at 9am for the deceased members of the parish. Traditionally Orthodox Churches have a liturgy on the Saturday prior to Pentecost for the deceased. Ours will be a 9am and I believe that Brother Michael will be here. He is visiting from California and I think he is going to make his way to the village. It will be good to see him again.
Sunday liturgy as usual and then on Monday we all go to the cemetery for the blessing of graves. I like this little tradition that we have as it gives me a chance to speak with people about their loved ones that I did not know. So we walk around the cemetery, in full liturgical vestments, we need to figure a way to give them some a/c maybe NASA can help, anyway we walk around and bless the graves. Then I plan to veg for the rest of the day and enjoy memorial day. I usually try to get to the parade in town but I hear rain is coming so we will see.
I will try to catch up on the Podcast. I have one for last week and just need to finish editing it and put it up. Maybe I can get to that today.

St. David I, King of Scotland

I missed this one yesterday.

Feastday: May 24

King of Scotland, the son of King Malcolm III and St. Margaret, born in 1084. He was sent to the English Norman court in 1093, and he married Matilda, the widow of the earl of Northhampton, becoming an English baron in 1113. David succeeded his brother, Alexander I, as the king of Scotland in 1124. Years of Struggle against King Stephen ended in 1139 when they made peace. David founded dio­ceses and monasteries in Scotland, instituted Norman law, started the office of chancellor, and conducted many charitable projects. He died in Carlisle, Scotland, May 24. He was never formally canonized.


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