Episode #3 of the Podcast is now online. In this episode, Fr. Greg and I discuss the Unification of ROCOR and the Church of Russia and the affects on the Church in the United States.
June 9th ~ St. Baithene
St. Adamnan (Eunan), the biographer of St. Columba, tells many interesting incidents in the life of St. Baithen, but the mere fact of being the immediate successor of St. Columba, by the express wish of that apostle, is almost sufficient to attest his worth. The “Martyrology of Donegal” records the two following anecdotes. When St. Baithen partook of food, before each morsel in invariably recited “Deus in adjutorium meum intende”. Also, “when he worked in the fields, gathering in the corn along with the monks, he used to hold up one hand towards Heaven, beseeching God, while with the other hand he gathered the corn”. St. Baithen of Iona is generally known as Baithen Mor, to distinguish him from eight other saints of the same name — the affix mor meaning “the Great”. He wrote a life of his master, and some Irish poems, which are now lost, but which were seen by St. Adamnan. He only ruled Iona three years, as his death took place in the year 600, though the “Annals of Ulster” give the date as 598. Perhaps the true year may be 599. His feast is celebrated on October 6th. Some writers assert that St. Baithen of Iona is the patron of Ennisboyne, County Wicklow, but this is owing to a confusion with St. Baoithin, or Baithin mac Findech, whose feast is commemorated on 22 May. Another St. Baoithin, son of Cuana, whose feast is on 19 February, is patron of Tibohin, in Elphin.
A Muslim Friend’s Letter to Slain Father Ragheed
A Muslim Friend’s Letter to Slain Father Ragheed
From Zenit.com
Christian Persecution Follow-Up
Christian Persecution
New Podcast
Episode #3 of the Shepherd of Souls Podcast is now up. You can get informaiton at the Blog Site of the show.