Bartolomeu Anania: Let the Church elect its own Patriarch!

Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj, Alba, Crisana and Maramures says the most important thing is that the future head of the Church should not be someone who could be blackmailed.

published in issue 3994 page 2 at 2007-08-10 Nine O’Clock

BUCHAREST – In an interview granted yesterday to Mediafax news agency, the Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj, Bartolomeu Anania, called on political forces to refrain from becoming involved in any way in the election of the future Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) scheduled on September 12. He stated that all political forces, ‘either overt or covert, must respect the right and freedom of the Church of electing its patriarch even if a candidate might seek their support’. The central media speculated extensively, after the death of Patriarch Teoctist, on the involvement of both the political factor and of the Free Masonry in the election of the following head of the Church. As far as he is concerned, Anania says he has no intention to run for the position as it ahs been suggested in the media, ‘because the nonagenarian patriarch who dies should not be replaced by an octogenarian’.

Doing the sketch of the future patriarch, Anania thinks it is essential ‘that he should not be subject to blackmail, either morally or politically-socially, or haunted by the secret of collaboration with covert organizations or structures, including intelligence agencies’. Apart from the ‘clean biography, without vices or covert affiliations’, in Anania’s opinion the in-coming patriarch must show ‘ecclesial dignity, missionarism and management skills’. Even if for the time being there is no official list of possible candidates, but with the press presenting Daniel – Metropolitan Bishop of Moldavia, and Teofan, Metropolitan Bishop of Oltenia, as favourites, Bartolomeu Anania did not say if either matched his description. The Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj added in his interview that, within the Holy Synod, he would act according to his statutory prerogative as far as the selection of the candidates is concerned.

Dinescu reported to CNSAS

The Patriarchy yesterday reported Mircea Dinescu, member of the College of the National Council for the Study of the Former Securitate Archives (CNSAS), to CNSAS, complaining about his statements published by the ‘Cotidianul’ daily suggesting that the former Metropolitan Bishop of Ardeal, Nicolae Plamadeala who had died two years before, had worked for the former Securitate (former political police of the communist regime) and had asked Nicolae Ceausescu to upgrade him from colonel to general. ‘There is a letter written by Plamadeala to Ceausescu where, on August 23, he was asking that eh should be upgraded to general for he had spent enough time as a colonel’ Dinescu stated for the ‘Cotidianul’.

The statement was made in the general context created after the CNSAS College had announced, on Tuesday, that it would check the files of the BOR heads who would run for the position of patriarch.

According to the representatives of the Patriarchy, Dinescu’s statements are incompatible with his membership of the CNSAS College. ‘The publication of data or information from the files that is not true, that undermines the life, dignity, honour or reputation of an individual, is a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment’ reads a communiqué issued by the Patriarchy yesterday. The Romanian Patriarchy wants to put off indefinitely the exposure of the clergy who collaborated with the former Securitate instead of sorting out the matter before electing the new patriarch, Mircea Dinescu stated for Rompres on Thursday, replying to BOR’s accusation. ‘My statements are not state secrets. The reason we are at CNSAS is to expose the former Securitate collaborators and I am doing the job for which I was sent there’ said Dinescu. He added that the Patriarchy people should mind ‘the ranks in their own backyard’ and start attending widows and orphans instead.

The collaboration with the former Securitate of priests or high-ranking clergy members is however a delicate issue to BOR. According to NewsIn cited by Realitatea TV, the best known case is Nicolae Corneanu, Metropolitan Bishop of Banat, who, immediately after the Revolution, in 19900, admitted to having been a collaborationist. Last August, Teodosie Tomitanul also admitted to having signed a commitment to the Securitate, but said that it only applied to major state issues.

Last year, the Bishop of Alba Iulia, Andrei Andreicut, stated that he had signed a similar paper but under the threat of imprisonment. Suspicions also exist in the case of Bartolomeu Anania himself and of Teoctist’s predecessor, Patriarch Iustin Moisescu. Ioan Mihai Pacepa, former chief of the Communist espionage, said that Anania used to be a covert agent of the Foreign Intelligence Department, according to Realitatea TV.

by Dan Sapos

I am Sick

I do not usually post things about what is going on in another jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church but I just cannot let this one pass without posting it. I am sickened by this tale and I have been in prayer about it. It just makes me want to VOMIT.
If you have the stomach for it read about it here.

Scottish Festival

Off to another Scottish Festival. This is being held at the old South Weymouth Naval Air Station in Weymouth, Massachusetts. The festival is in support of the St. Jude Foundation so it is for a good cause. The weather is supposed to be in the low 90’s today so it will be a little warm. If you are in the area stop by and say hello.

4 August ~ St. Moluag

Also known as Lugaidh and Molloch, Moluag was born c.530AD of the clan Dalaraidhe, in northern Ireland where he became a monk of Bangor. Many consider his true name to have been Lugaidh (pronounced Lua) and the form of Moluag, used in the Annals of Tigernach, is simply an affectionate form – Mo-Luoc, “my Lugaidh”. St Moluag’s plan for working Pictland was to organize three great muinntirs or communities to be the centres of education and ministerial supply for the Churches in their respective districts; and, of course, for the maintenance of these central communities he had the reserves of the mother church of Bangor in Eire.

He first organised the great community of Lismore in Lorn about 562AD. Moluag’s settlement was in the north of Lismore, close to a megalithic site surmounted by a high cairn which once marked the funeral pyres of Pictish Kings. This island was the sacred island of the Western Picts, and continued to be the burial-place of their kings who reigned at Beregonium. The Churches dependent on Lismore, still traceable, are Teampul Mór in Lewis; the Church of Pabay, that is, Isle of the pápa; Cill Moluag in Raasay; Teampull Mholuig, “Moluag’s Chapel”, at Europie in Ness; Cill Moluag in Skye; Cill Moluag in Tiree; Cill Moluag in Mull; ‘Kilmalu’ in Morvern; ‘Kilmalu’ of Inverary; and Cill Moluag at Ballagan, Inverfarigaig.

St Moluag’s second central community is said to have been organised at Rosemarkie on the northern shore of the Inverness Firth (however, see below). Many of the churches founded from this centre were afterwards, in the Roman Catholic period, dedicated to Roman saints, and they cannot now be definitely distinguished as St Moluag’s; but there was an old church in the strath of the Peffray (Strathpeffer) whose temporalities are still called Davoch-Moluag, and the submerged Church of Cromarty was evidently one of St Moluag’s foundations.

His third central community was at Mortlach in Morayshire. Dependant upon it was the smaller community at Clova or Cloveth near Lumsden village. The foundations that still bear St Moluag’s name in this part of Scotland are at “Maol-Moluag’s”, now New Machar, at Clatt in the Garioch and at Migvie (also linked to St Finan) and Tarland. Another of St Moluag’s known foundations was at Alyth in Perthshire.

St Moluag continued to labour in Pictland until his death on the 25th June 592 AD. Some sources give that he died at Ardclach in Nairnshire. According to the other old traditions he died while visiting his churches in the Garioch and was buried at Rosemarkie. In the Martyrology of Oengus, under his entry on June 25th, is a comment which is typical of the warm esteem with which he is commemorated in the Irish calendars:

“The pure, the bright, the pleasant,the sun of Lismore;that is Moluoc,of Lismore in Alba”.

His crozier, Bacchuill Mór, “the great staff”, a piece of blackthorn 34 inches long and originally covered in a gilded copper case, is preserved on Lismore in Bachuil village in the care of the Livingstone family; having been for some time in the custody of the Dukes of Argyll. Because of their associations with the Bacchuill Mhór this Livingstone family holds the ancient title of Barons of Bachuil.

Of course, it will not escape the attention of the reader that St Moluag’s three main foundations at Lismore, Rosemarkie and Mortlach in time became the seats of the ancient medieval Roman Sees of the Isles, Ross and Aberdeen.

It must not be supposed that the trained clergy from Bangor and from St Moluag’s own centres kept themselves apart from the Britonic and the native Pictish clergy who were at work in Pictland at this time; because there is evidence that the Bangor clergy assisted in manning Churches founded long before their arrival as well as looking to the care of congregations gathered by themselves. The only sign of want of co-operation between the Celtic clergy, as might be expected from the political relations of the time, was between the Picts and the Gaidheals or Scots, in the territory occupied by the Scotic colonists in Dalriada. There was certainly no co-operation between the Pictish ecclesiastics and the Gaidhealic ecclesiastics in the island of Tiree!

There is some discrepancy with regard to St Moluag’s burial place. Until recent times the tradition on Lismore itself was that Moluag died at Ardclach and that his body was born back to Lismore by twenty-four of the most stalwart islanders. This tradition is very much in keeping with the Celtic tradition of burying a saint in his main or oldest foundation. Another source gives that the story of Moluag being buried at Rosemarkie is false and repeats the story that his body was taken to Lismore. It goes further by relating that there was a later Moluag, a colleague of St Boniface, and that he was a great preacher. It is said that it is this second Moluag, who died over a hundred years after the first, that was buried in Boniface’s chapel at Rosemarkie. It has to be said that, if one is to accept the first Moluag’s association with the district round Rosemarkie then it is surprising that there are so very few churches which bear his name. Even where original Celtic saints names were replaced with Roman ones, it is rare for the original to completely disappear. This story of a second Moluag may have an essence of truth in it!


Bartolomeu I to lead the funeral service for Patriarch Teoctist

It was announced today that Bartolomeu of Constantinople will lead the funeral service. This information comes from the English Language Daily in Bucharest 9 O’clock.
The last part of the article deserves some extra attention and I quote it below.
“Another question mark comes from the ‘Curentul’ daily that demands an investigation into the circumstances of Teoctist’s death, finding it suspect that the Patriarch was not operated upon in Germany as he had originally wanted and that the surgery took place hastily and in secrecy. “

Bridge Collapse

The news is reporting that a bridge has collapsed in Minnesota and it is being reported that 6 people are reported dead. This is a sad day and we need to remember the victims and the rescue workers in our prayers.


Word has come to the village of the funeral for His Beatitude, Patriarch Teoctist in Romania. The funeral will take place at 11:00am Romanian time in Bucharest. His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae and His Grace Bishop Ioan Cassian of the Romanian Archdiocese and His Grace Bishop Ireneu of Dearborn, auxiliary to the Romanian Episcopate will be attending the United States.

Memory Eternal

Patriarch Teoctist

On Monday, July 30, 2007, we were informed by His Eminence Archbishop Nicolae of the Romanian Archdiocese that His Beatitude, Patriarch Teoctist, Primate of the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Romania, had died at the age of 92.

Patriarch Teoctist was born on February 7, 1915, in the village Tocileni, Botosani county, in northeastern Romania. In 1929, he joined the Vorona Monastery. Later, he embraced monasticism, taking the name Teoctist, at the Bistrita Monastery.

He studied at the Orthodox Seminary in Cernica from 1932 until 1940 and graduated from the Orthodox Theological Faculty of Bucharest University in 1944.

On March 25, 1945, he was ordained to the priesthood in Iasi, where after his consecration to the episcpacy he served as vicar bishop from 1949 to 1962. From 1962 to 1973, he served as Bishop of Arad. From 1973 until 1977, he served as Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia. He served as Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava from 1977 until his election as Archbishop of Bucharest and Patriarch of Romania on November 9, 1986.

The permanent Synod is meeting today as His Beatitudes body lays in state in the Cathedral in Bucharesti. Plans have not been finalized for the funeral yet. As information becomes available I will post it here.
Update: Photos have been posted here.
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