21 October ~ St. Fintan (Munnu) of Taghmon

Son of Tulchan, an Ulster saint, d. at Taghmon, 636. He founded his celebrated abbey at Taghmon (Teach Munnu) in what is now County Wexford, in 599. He is principally known as the defender of the Irish method of keeping Easter, and, in 630, he attended the Synod of Magh Lene, at which he dissented from the decision to adopt the Roman paschal method. Another synod was held somewhat later at Magh Ailbe, when St. Fintan again upheld his views in opposition to St. Laserian (Mo Laisre). But the views of the University Church prevailed. His feast is observed on 21 October. The beautiful stone cross of “St. Munn” still stands in the churchyard of the village.

Little Tired

I am a little tired this morning after staying up until after 12am watching the Red Sox make it to the World Series again. Man it was a little nerve racking there for a little bit but then it opened up and I was able to breath again.
Tonight I will be serving the Liturgy of St. James here in the Village. Fr. Greg will be coming over to help out. If you find yourself in this area stop in Liturgy is at 6pm.


Who ever said Sunday is a day of rest obviously was not a priest… Anyway the usual round of Liturgical Services today. We have a three year memorial for a lady that I buried just after coming here. It is hard to believe it has been three years. After Liturgy we have coffee hour and then a quick trip to the cemetery for a grave blessing.
Then I get in my little green truck and head to the east cost, Quincy where I hail from, for a board meeting of the Saint Andrew’s Society of Massachusetts of which I am serving as president. Then back out here. Keep in mind that will about 130 miles round trip. For those of us that live in the North East that’s a lot of driving. I know in other places that is a trip to the Super Market but not here folks. Patriots football at 1pm and GAME 7 at 8pm.
Tomorrow is going to be equally busy. I have a fellow priest coming for a few days so the spare rooms needs a good going over and then we have the Divine Liturgy of St. James at 6pm tomorrow night. This is the oldest liturgy dating from the 4th century and is only served on his feast day which is Tuesday. It has been a year since I last served it so I have a little reading to do. All those red words.
Oh yes, on Tuesday morning we have our first local orthodox clergy bible study. I am so looking forward to this time of study and fellowship with my brothers. We had it scheduled for last week but alas a meeting bumped it. We hope to do this every month.
Happy Sunday All and remember GO SOX!

Here I Go Again!

I need to stop reading the bogs this early in the morning. Here it is not even 8am and my blood is boiling. First passing out the “pill” to middle schoolers in Maine and now thanks to Huw I hear about a so called Christian prison group that is not allowing a church a participate in a program for kids because, wait for it, they allow gays to come to church. I am so over the top sick and tired of these so called Christian do gooders that only want people they like to participate in their programs. I am sure if my church wanted to participate we would be allowed because we don’t meet their narrow doctrinal views. I am so glad Jesus was not so narrow in who he ministered to or Matthew the tax collector, or the woman caught in adultery might not have been ministered too. We are all sinners and fall short of the mark but you know what we all deserve God’s grace.
We are so concerned with the outward signs in the church and so concerned that people are dressed the right way and that the priest says things the right way or that we should use Greek, Russian, Romanian, Latin or whatever language and we keep hurting people like this. I am so sick of all this crap in the church. We all need to get on our knees and ask no beg forgiveness from God for our narrow minds and cold hearts! I mean it! We have priests molesting kids, bishops covering it up, priests using church funds as if they were their own, and bishops covering it up. And if you one of the righteous Orthodox out there who think I am talking about our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters, pull your head out of the sand, or any other place it might be, and look around. It happens here as well.
Although I do not support the homosexual life style I believe in an open church that welcomes all. Let me say that again. A CHURCH THAT WELCOMES ALL! Again we are all sinners! We all need to feel the love of Jesus and seek his mercy. If you are reading this and disagree with me I would rather you just kept surfing by. I guess I am becoming more of an activist in my old age. Maybe I should have more coffee before I post.
Thanks Huw for the story. you can read it here.

Bishop in Maine shocked by policy

This is a follow up to my post earlier this week about the School Committee in Portland, Maine allowing contraception to be passed out in one middle school in the town. Keep in mind this is 11-14 year old girls. In the story the case is made that the three middle schools in Portland have had three pregnancies in the last seven years. So I ask you, WHERE ARE THE PARENTS!

Bishop Malone of Portland has this to say:

When contradictory messages are given to children from important authority figures such as parents and school officials, it can create more confusion and difficulty for children themselves in making this important life decision.

Read the whole story here

We should be OUTRAGED over this. I would suggest that you write to Mr. Mike McCarthy who is the principal of King Middle School in Portland and express your outrage.

Mr. Mike McCarthy, Principal
King Middle School
92 Deering Avenue
Portland, ME 04102

The kicker of the whole thing is that they do not even have to tell their parents! Well why would they? Obviously the parents do not care what their kids are doing. We need to rise up people. Our countrys morals are being hijacked by people who do not want to take any responsibility. I again ask where the parents are? If middle school kids are getting pregnant then there is another problem here. We are talking about girls and boys 11-14. Are we okay with this? I for one am not.

Important Meeting Today

UPDATE: The meeting went very well. There were representatives from police, fire, ems, school, and the DA’s office. We have agreed to meet again to come up with some long and short term goals. In the short term the police will patrol the areas during peak travel times. We also had a state senator and a member of the state house of representatives. They are looking into legislation on cell phone use. The state of Connecticut just banned use of cell phones while driving. I believe New York has the same ban. It is time Massachusetts did the same. More to come on this issue.
Over the past few weeks we have lost three people, mostly young people, to horrific car accidents here in the area. This morning, the Police Chief in one of the communities has invited leaders of Police and Fire as well as clergy and other to what will be a summit meeting of sorts to try and come up with a way to combat this mess. The latest one killed was a 17 yo student killed on her way to school because she was send a text message! Nothing is that important! How can we get the word out that we cannot continue this trend. I am guilty of this as well. I talk on the cell phone, I have sent text messages, I have even looked up a phone number on my PDA all while driving. I guess I am going to stop this now.
It seems that we are getting more and more dangerous behind the wheel and more and more of us are getting killed doing this. I am not sure what is going to come out of all of this and maybe nothing will but we have to try and do something.
Last spring I responded to call of a motor vehicle accident right near the high school. I looked at the time and a I got a shiver as I knew school was getting out. When I arrived on scene they were cutting the roof off the car to remove the passenger. Four EMT’s were working on this kid to try and keep him alive. We sent for the helicopter to take him to the hospital. We cut the roof off the car and got him in the ambulance only to have him die on the way to helicopter. What a tragic waste of life. 18 years old and about ready to graduate from high school. So full of life taken away because of something stupid. We need to talk to our kids. Take away the damn cell phones or disable to text message parts.
Dr. Phil, I know I know, did a show recently on this and the stats are staggering. We need do something I am just not sure what that will be. Pray for us today as we have this meeting that something good will come out of it.

Parish Council Meeting

Last night we had our monthly parish council meeting. As has been the custom here I begin the meeting with a little segment called pastor’s time. I have used this time in the past for various things and last night I decided to use a quote that I heard many years ago and I think we can use in the church. Now this quote is not from Scripture or even from a church father. The quote is from Margaret Meade a Sociologist.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world: indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

We are a small church but a faithful church and I believe that if we truly pray and work together we can indeed change the world. We need to pray for peace, for our leaders, for those who have been placed above us in leadership positions in the church and in the world. If we hold the church and the world in prayer, we can make a change. Let’s try, what do we have to loose.

Statement from Catholic-Orthodox Panel

Even small steps are good steps. (ed.)
“They Commend Dialogue to the Prayers of the Faithful”
VATICAN CITY, OCT 15, 2007 (ZENIT.org).- Here is the text of a statement from the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox, released by the Vatican press office after the 10th plenary assembly meeting of the panel ended on Sunday.
The meeting was held Oct. 8-14 in Ravenna, Italy.
* * *
The 10th meeting of the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church met in Ravenna, Italy, a city marked by its historical and artistic monuments, many from the Byzantine era. The meeting took place from Oct. 8-14, 2007, generously hosted by the Archdiocese of Ravenna-Cervia.
Twenty seven of the 30 Catholic members (cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and lay theologians) were present. The Orthodox members (metropolitans, bishops; priests and lay theologians) represented the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, the Patriarchate of Antioch, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Patriarchate of Moscow, the Patriarchate of Serbia, the Patriarchate of Romania, the Patriarchate of Georgia, the Church of Cyprus, the Church of Greece, the Church of Poland, the Church of Albania, the Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia, the Church of Finland and the Apostolic Church of Estonia. The representatives of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria were unable to attend.
The commission worked under the direction of the two co-presidents, Cardinal Walter Kasper and Metropolitan John of Pergamon, helped by the two co-secretaries, Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, (Ecumenical Patriarchate) and Monsignor Eleuterio Fortino from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
The session began in the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe on the evening of Oct. 8, with the celebration of Vespers, presided over by the Archbishop of Ravenna, the Most Reverend Giuseppe Verucchi, and with a prayer on the part of the Orthodox members.
In addressing those present, the Archbishop of Ravenna stated: “We are happy that you are here. You have the prayers of our two contemplative communities, of the religious men and women, the priests and the parish communities. While you are busy with the dialogue, searching for the path that will lead us closer to full communion, we will not disturb you, but we will embrace you with our affection and prayer.”
The commission was welcomed in the prefecture by the Prefect, Her Excellency Floriana De Sanctis, who expressed the hope that “the desire for dialogue, to understand and to be understood, which characterizes the Joint Commission might be a sign copied by all of us in our daily lives”. Also present at this meeting were the mayor of the city, the president of the region and the president of the province, together with other civil authorities.
The commission has been working on the theme of “The Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church: Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity and Authority in the Church.” This study had already begun in the previous session in Belgrade, from Sept. 18-25, 2006, on the basis of a draft elaborated by the Joint Coordinating Committee in Moscow in 1990, but which had not yet been discussed in plenary session. At this meeting this study has been completed and an agreed common document was approved. The document offers a solid basis for the future work of the commission.
On the first day of the meeting, as is customary in this commission, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox members met separately to coordinate their work. At the Orthodox meeting, the delegate of the Moscow Patriarchate presented a decision of that Church to withdraw from the meeting because of the presence of delegates from the Church of Estonia, declared “autonomous” by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, a status not recognized by the Patriarchate of Moscow, and in spite of the fact that the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the agreement of all the Orthodox members offered a compromise that would have acknowledged the Moscow Patriarchate’s non-recognition of the Autonomous Church of Estonia.
The theme for the next plenary session will be: “The role of the Bishop of Rome in the communion of the Church in the first millennium.”
The place and time for the next Coordinating Committee will be decided at a later date.
The 10th plenary session ended with prayer. On Saturday, Oct. 13, the Catholic members celebrated the Eucharist in the Cathedral of Ravenna, in the presence of the Orthodox members. On Sunday, Oct. 14, the Orthodox members celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Vitalis, in the presence of the Catholic members. On both of these occasions the Archbishop of Ravenna and members of the clergy and laity of Ravenna attended.
The meeting of the Joint Commission was marked by a spirit of friendship and trustful collaboration. The members of the commission greatly appreciated the generous hospitality of the Archdiocese of Ravenna, and they strongly commend the continuing work of the dialogue to the prayers of the faithful.
Ravenna, Italy, Oct. 14, 2007
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