Follow up from yesterday

So it would seem I had 35 hits yesterday because I included Brittany Spears and Dr. Phil in my post. I wonder if I will get another 35 today because I did it again. No comments were left so I do not know if anyone read my ramblings. I also did not hear if Dr. Phil was able to get Brittany (another 35 hits) on the show. More to come…

Dr. Phil & Britany

I usually have a lot of respect for Dr. Phil. I like to watch his show and he seems to really help people. Now I know that much of what he takes on is driven by ratings but I think he has stooped to a new level with this Brittany Spears business.

Rod Dreher has a posting about it on his Crunchy Con Blog.

I feel bad for any person that has to go through what that family is going through. With that said I believe that much of it is brought on by themselves. Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and that ilk all need help. I also find it amazing that we eat this stuff up! The other day I was watching the local news and it was breaking news about Brit going to the hospital. What about our men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? What about gas prices going up while the oil companies post record earnings? What about the presidential election? No we get breaking news about another famous person acting stupid. Sorry if this sounds harsh but like the stars that fall we bring this all on ourselves. We live to see news about the so called beautiful people. Tom Cruise and whats-her-name have a child before they are married, BAM breaking news. Tom Brady, and his this week girl friend, have a child before marriage, BAM, braking news. Three fire fighters get hurt last night fighting a fire and where is it? Buried in a little box on page whatever in the paper.

Where are our priorities? What do we believe? Go for it Dr. Phil, make all the money you can. When your show airs latter on this week I bet it will have the best ratings of any show you have done all season, but I don’t think I will be watching.


Well the first shots of the Presidential election season have been fired. The Iowa Caucus. Now I am not sure what happens at this event but it is traditionally the first test for candidates and as usually none of the front runners got the nod, who knows. Now the talking heads say the big test is New Hampshire.

It seems the election season get earlier and earlier each time round. I remember an episode from the West Wing. The President has just been re-elected (is that a hyphenated word?) and people started working on the next election. That seems strange. Anyway we are off and running. Actually we have been off and running for what seems like four years already.

We need to start paying attention to the candidates. I have not done much research as I usually wait till only the serious ones are left, well the ones who can get elected anyway. We need to pay attention to what they say. I told someone the other day that we need to read for ourselves what the candidates have to say and not listen to what other people said they said. We need to make up our own minds and let someone “spin” or if you believe Bill O’Riley “no spin” Read the candidates website and their official statements. Match their words with what we believe as Orthodox Christians or whatever we maybe. (I mean that in a nice way) I guess the bottom line is make up your own mind.

I try to stay on the fray of the political discussion and I do have some pretty hard and fast thoughts on things that I don’t always share. However, I feel this election will be one of the most important ones since reconstruction. Pay attention and make an informed decision. Don’t vote for the guy, or girl, that looks the best!

New Year Blessing

I have noticed that several people have found the blog by searching for the New Year Blessing so I thought I would recycle this post. I also want to wish all of my readers a very Happy, Blessed, and Healthy New Year! Thank you for reading my words over the last year and also listening to my new podcast that was started this year.

I am off in a few minutes to a celebration of Hogmany and then back here latter on. Be safe today.

God, bless to me the new day,
never vouchsafed to me before;
it is to bless your own presence
you have given me this time, O God.

Bless to my eye,
may my eye bless all it sees;
I will bless my neighbor,
may my neighbor bless me.

God, give me a clean heart,
let me not from sight of your eye;
bless to me my family,
and bless to me my means.

Ancient Celtic Prayers collected by Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912), published in Carmina Gadelica (Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1992). These are prayers, hymns, and incantations collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the 18th century.

New England Patriots

Well I have seen some great sports in Boston, two world series wins, and a few super bowl wins but tonight the New England Patriots went 16-0 on the season! It is 11:20pm and I need to go to be before Liturgy tomorrow. Great Day!

His Majesty King Michael I’s Message for the New Year of 2008


After our first year of membership within the European Union, one can say that democracy and liberty are stable in Romanian society. I know there are still problems in the fields of education, health and the living conditions of elderly people and that there are reasons for disappointment. However, the economy is on an ascending trend and is breaking away from the past, politics is dynamic and we have, for the first time in history, Romanian elected representatives in the European Parliament.

Our country has joined the dignified family of free nations. From now on we can start to distinguish between prosperity and identity, freedom and duty, between politics and fundamental values. Our public sector representatives should serve their institutions, and their country, not be served by them. We need stable institutions with an eye on the future.
Romania needs to build a European Constitution, which will assign clear, unequivocal and complementary roles to the State’s institutions. This is a question of honour, respect for our traditions and for democracy. In this way, we can complete our country’s economic and social reconstruction.

A nation, just like a human being, has its personality and its inner life. Romania, like each and every one of us, has her story, deeply interwoven with her past and her destiny. Romania will have a place in the international system if she can demonstrate that knows how to respect democracy and cultivate an instinct for the national good.

So help us God!
Michael R
The Savarsin Castle, 26th December 2007

From the blog of Prince Radu

Merry Christmas

Troparion of Christmas
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath shined the light of knowledge upon the world; for thereby they that worshipped the stars were instructed by a star to worship Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know Thee, the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory be to Thee.

The incomprehensible and inexplicable Nativity of Christ came to pass when Herod the Great was reigning in Judea; the latter was an Ascalonite on his fathers’s side and an Idumean on his mother’s. He was in every way foreign to the royal line of David; rather, he had received his authority from the Roman emperors, and had ruled tyrannically over the Jewish people for some thirty-three years. The tribe of Judah, which had reigned of old, was deprived of its rights and stripped of all rule and authority. Such was the condition of the Jews when the awaited Messiah was born, and truly thus was fulfilled the prophecy which the Patriarch Jacob had spoken 1,807 years before: “A ruler shall not fail from Judah, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the things stored up for him; and he is the expectation of the nations” (Gen.49:10).

Thus, our Saviour was born in Bethlehem, a city of Judea, whither Joseph had come from Nazareth of Galilee, taking Mary his betrothed, who was great with child, that, according to the decree issued in those days by the Emperor Augustus, they might be registered in the census of those subject to Rome. Therefore, when the time came for the Virgin to give birth, and since because of the great multitude there was no place in the inn, the Virgin’s circumstace constrained them to enter a cave which was near Bethlehem. Having as shelter a stable of irrational beasts, she gave birth there, and swaddled the Infant and laid Him in the manger (Luke 2:1-7). From this, the tradition has come down to us that when Christ was born He lay between two animals, an ox and an ass, that the words of the Prophets might be fulfilled: “Between two living creatures shalt Thou be known” (Abbacum 3:2), and “The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master’s crib” (Esaias 1: 3).

But while the earth gave the new-born Saviour such a humble reception, Heaven on high celebrated majestically His world-saving coming. A wondrous star, shining with uncommon brightness and following a strange course, led Magi from the East to Bethlehem to worship the new-born King. Certain shepherds who were in the area of Bethlehem, who kept watch while tending their sheep, were suddenly surrounded by an extraordinary light, and they saw before them an Angel who proclaimed to them the good tidings of the Lord’s joyous Nativity. And straightway, together with this Angel, they beheld and heard a whole host of the Heavenly Powers praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men” (Luke 2:8-14).

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