New Orleans

As we approach the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Friday it seem wild that another hurricane is on its way to the area. Let us remember the people of the Gulf Coast on our prayers this weekend as they prepare for what could be another devastation. Let us also remember those who are still trying to clean up from Katrina.

The Waushakum Live Steamers

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of attending a one of a kind event. The Waushakum Live Steamers meet in Holliston, Massachusetts.

These guys, and gals, have built to scale steam engines that you ride on! It was fantastic! Check out their website for pictures of what they do.

I was invited by Fr. Jay Finelli, aka the iPadre and I am glad I made the trip. I took Onchu with me and we rode the trains.

Nice relaxing days!

Church 2.0

If you are reading this post then you have some idea of what Church 2.0 is all about. This is the concept of the church using what has been called the new media, blogs, podcasts, etc. Any internet search will bring many examples of this including this blog. My question is this, why is it that the orthodox church has taken part in this new media?

Okay we have the Orthodox Christian Network and Ancient Faith Radio and some priests do have blogs, but I do not believe that one of our bishops has any sort of out reach at all into the internet and this needs to change! Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston was the first blogging cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church and if he can do it, as busy as he is, then our bishops can find time to do. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t picture Cardinal Sean blogging away as I am now but he ha someone who publishes his posts for him.

The generation coming of age right now is called the wired generation. We need to be able to reach them and the best format is to use the internet as they all do. I am surprised at the number of Orthodox Parishes that do not even have web pages! As Fr. Vasiliy Vasileivich, contributor to the Onion Dome would say, IS OUTRAGE!

I have said this before and I will say it again and again, if we are to be relevant we need to be relevant! Our clergy are not that busy that they cannot find time to post their homilies. For $125 one can purchase a recording device and record your homilies and post them on iTunes or on the web. We are loosing and need to regain ground that we have lost. This is not hard stuff!

All of the jurisdictions have website and each should have links to their parishes websites. If the parish does not have a website, the diocese should create one with nothing more than a picture of the church, the priests name, and service times so, God forbid, people might be able to find us!

Website design is very simple. I am sure there are teens in the church that could teach us. Reach out into your community and find someone who can do it for you. There are also the social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, plurk, ping and the like. These can be used for ministry purposes and they are FREE, an orthodox dream!

The church needs to use whatever tools it can to reach the generation that will be the leaders in the church. We need to keep them coming and keep them interested and involved. Yes it takes work but it needs to be done. Come on and admit it we are not that busy. We like to think we are but we have five minutes a day to post something like this. Okay it has taken me 10 because I ramble on.

Just do it!

Here I am

Well almost a week has gone by without a blog post, it was not intentional just nothing to say really. So I took the week off from blogging but I had time for other stuff.

It has been a beautiful week here and I have been watching a tree across the parking lot from the Rectory starting to change color. I have heard that we are going to have great color this fall so I feel some trips will be taken.

Many of you know I have a pop up or tent trailer and this year all I seem to do is move it from one place in the yard to another. Well I am going to plan some trips. I began work yesterday taking care of all the seams and securing any leaks so my head does not get wet when I sleep. I also needed to get a new part welded on. That task has been completed and I have a few more seams to seal and then we are ready. I have a few places I would like to visit and my plan is to take two days in the middle of the week and head off somewhere. So stay tuned you never know where I might turn up.

So another Sunday is upon us and soon Liturgy will begin. Last week was the Gospel passage about Jesus walking on water. I did not preach on that passage and it is one of my favorites so I think I will preach on that one today. I guess we will be a week behind.

This afternoon I am off on an excursion to try and get an interview for the Shepherd of Souls Podcast. More on that if it happens. If you follow me on twitter you will be able to keep up with my movements.

Pleasant day to all. Get out side and breath the fresh air!

Monday, Monday, La la

So here it is another Monday and another week ahead to accomplish all sorts of things.

Yesterday after Liturgy and coffee hour I rolled on down to Raynham, Massachusetts for the Annual St. Andrew’s Society of Massachusetts Scottish Picnic. A nice event too bad more people don’t show up but anyway it was fun. I am president of the Society and it is nice to see the board members that I have not seen all summer. A few years back the board decided not to meet during the summer months as not much is going on, and it is festival season. So we chatted a bit about our trip to Loon Mountain in September for the Highland Festival. This is always a great time.

Today I am at my parents house for a day off. One resolution I made after my stay at hospital is to take a day off each week and go somewhere away from the rectory and clear my head. So here I am. I have some reading to do and I need to get a final exam ready for my class on Tuesday night. So I have a little work to do as well as some rest. We have a parish council meeting tonight so I will be back in the Village before the end of the afternoon.

I want to take a moment to welcome the new readers to the blog. It seems that readership has increased, well the comments have increased anyway. I am not sure where you all are from as I took the site meter off a few weeks back because it was causing some problems with the blog. But welcome, it is nice to have you here.

9th Sunday of Matthew

The Reading is from Matthew 14:22-34

At that time, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat by this time was many furlongs distant from the land, beaten by the waves; for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. But immediately he spoke to them, saying “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.”

And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus; but when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “O man of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they entered the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” And when they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret.

This has to be one of my favorite passages from Scripture. I love the image that we see here. We have all of the apostles in the boat and the weather gets bad. Jesus comes along and straight away everyone thinks he is a ghost. Let us not forget he has healed the sick, raised the dead, etc. why not walk on water?

So then we see my hero Peter. I love Peter, he is what it is all about. When I went into Monastery years ago I choose the name Peter as my name in religion. My given name is Michael. The abbot asked me why I chose Peter and I said, well his name day is my birthday, and he always seemed to be putting his foot in his mouth. I love Peter!

So Peter steps out of the boat and does fine for awhile, then he figures out where he is and gets scared and starts to sink, so Jesus saves him and brings his back to the boat.

Peter is a symbol of the church in this passage as well as many others. Peter is the church, the church steps out in faith at the call of Jesus. Then we start to want to do it on our own, and what happened to Peter, he started to sink, and that is what is happening to the church. We have taken our eyes off of Jesus and we are sinking!

We need to focus on what we are supposed to be focused on. Jesus will guide us and save us if we but follow Him. So what about the ones left in the boat? They are the ones that are afraid to step out and make a difference. There are some that like to stay out of the wind and rain and just go on with life and don’t bother anyone. I am sorry but Christians are supposed to bother people. We are the light that is supposed to shine in the dark places. We are the ones that are supposed to say, HEY that’s not right, and work to change things. We can no longer hide in the boat. To stay withe fishing theme, it is time to fish or cut bait!

Step out of the boat. Step out of your comfort zone, but don’t do it alone, do it with Jesus and you too will walk on water!

Icon and Gospel Passage from


For a few weeks now I have been picking away at the book A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren. Just so you know it has nothing to do with the Orthodox Church.

So far I like what he is writing, I don’t always agree with everything but he has a nice way about his style and I like what I have read. I have two other books by him so I have some reading to do.

In this particular book he speaks of his own life and why he is what he is. I am not going to give too much away in case you want to read the book, and I will post a review once I have finished it. In one particular chapter he speaks about the word saved. How many times have you been asked, are you saved? How does one answer this question? Let me quote from the book:

Let’s start simply. In the Bible, save means “rescue” or “heal”. It emphatically does not automatically mean “save from hell” or “give eternal life after death,” as many preachers seem to imply in sermon after sermon. Rather its meaning varies from passage to passage, but in general, in any context, save means “get out of trouble.” The trouble could be sickness, war, political intrigue, oppression, poverty, imprisonment, or any kind of danger or evil. (pg 93)

Okay let’s unpack this a little. Rescue or heal, I like that and how that sounds. God will rescue me in times of trouble and he will heal me when I am sick. “Get out of trouble,” man we need this! How man times have we been in a place in our life that we would rather not be in and ask for God’s help. So with this definition in mind then we are all saved! We are all in the process of being saved everyday. There really is no end as there is no end to the mercy and love of God. Every time we fall, He picks us up, he saves us.

Let us look further at this term saved:

God, throughout the Hebrew Bible, repeatedly saves from danger and evil, so to say that God saves means that God intervenes to rescue. God compassionately and miraculously steps in, gets involved, intervenes, and protects his people from their enemies and themselves. (pg 93)

I like this. This is the image of the shepherd that Jesus will pick up in the Christian Scriptures. God intervenes to rescue. He will do this, but we have to ask for it. We have to ask for Him to help us and to save us he will not just do it on His own. His hand is always there before us all we have to do is reach out and take it. The last part of that quote is great, protects his people from their enemies and themselves. He will protect us from ourselves. Nice.

McLaren goes on to say that God saves in three ways; judging, forgiving, and teaching. This is nice as well. Judgement in the sense of bringing truth and justice into our deceived and oppressed world. God forgives, I have spoken of this in the past so I wont bore you again. And He teaches.

…because we are so often ignorantly wrong and stupid, Jesus comes with saving teaching, profound yet amazingly compact: Love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, Jesus says, and love your neighbor as yourself, and that is enough. (pg 97)

That sums up the life of a Christian very well. If we worked on that for awhile I am sure things would get better and God would save us from ourselves. We need to stop hitting each other over the head and start working together. But aside what we disagree about and focus on what we agree about. Stop being arrogant and say we have the only way, and get on with the work of the church! It’s that simple, get on with the work of the church.

So are we saved? Have we been saved today? Have you saved anyone today? Think about it, love your God, love yourself, and love your neighbor.

Peace Prayer

Peace between neighbors,
Peace between kindred,
Peace between lovers,
In love of the King of Life.

Peace between person and person,
Peace between wife and husband,
Peace between woman and children,
The peace of Christ above all peace.

Bless, O Christ, my face,
Let my face bless everything;
Bless, O Christ, mine eye,
Let mine eye bless all it sees.

Alexander Charmichael, Carmina Gadelica, Hymns and Incatations

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