Gustav Part II
The person who left the comment, and I will have to commend him because he actually left his name, said that Katrina hit the Gulf Coast because God wanted it too. Now I am simplifying his argument, and believe me that is hard to do!
I am glad him and I do not share the same God. My God is not a vengeful God that wipes out people because of their sins. My God sent his only begotten Son to redeem this world and show us the path to salvation and not damn us all to hell! My God stretched out his arms on the cross not in hate but in love, love for whom, us the very people the reader thinks should be destroyed.
I am not sure what his religious background is but I think he needs to go back and read his Bible a little more and perhaps seek out some spiritual guidance.
Anyway let us continue to pray for the people literally who will be in the eye of the storm and those called in to help after.
I am following several blogs written by people in the area including the Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana. I will try and keep you updated over the next few days.
UPDATE: Fr. Jerry Kramer Blogs from Annunciation Parish in New Orleans, and Episcopal Parish. He is updating as the storm continues. You can follow his blog posts here. And Bishop Charles Jenkins of New Orleans, Episcopal, is also blogging here.
A Political/Spiritual Experiment
I plan to try and follow his suggestions. Give it a read and let me know if you plan to follow as well.
Radical Living
Check out Radical Living.
UPDATE: I just found another group called the New Monasticism.
Welcome New Blogger
Well my cholesterol is up, way up, and I am what is called pre-diabetic. So I have some life style changes to make. Some I have already made and I will be making more. I have been put on medication to bring my level down because it was so high. I have already made changes to my diet and will be making more. I will be exercising more and maybe even get back to running. Yes I used to be a runner. I spent 12 1/2 years in the military how could I not run. It seemed we ran everywhere.
So that is the update. I am thinking of doing a series of podcasts and articles on clergy health and what we do to relax, if anything. So any of you clergy out there who read this, would you like to participate? If so drop me a line.
I thought it was nice that Obama thanked McCain for his service and really did not slam him as I thought he was going to do. And when it was all over McCain released an ad congratulating him. WOW! Maybe we are going to see a civil campaign season ahead of us. That would be nice.
We have a big decision to make in November and one that we need to study and think about. I will say this again. Read the words of the candidates and not what someone else says they said. Make up your own mind and do not let anyone who is fair and balanced or not make it up for you. It only takes a few minutes to read their own words.
I will put links on the side bar to both candidates official webpages and make it easy for you to find them. So surf on over there and read for yourself.
So now we wait for the big announcement today on who McCain is going to pick as his VP. I hope he makes a choice not so much to help him win but one that will help him govern. The other thing we need keep in mind no matter who wins in November he will be President and we need to support him and give him a chance. Remember they are only human and they, like us, are flawed and will make mistakes.
Last Few Days
Today I have a follow up doctors appointment and then a meeting. The afternoon looks a little free so maybe I can sneak outside again and read as I did yesterday. I also need to get some work done in the church that needs to be done before the weekend. And I need a haircut! So we shall see what happens.