Shepherd of Souls 26 is now online.
Autumn Book Club
I am going to be participating in an Autumn Book club and a multi blog discussion about the book. I would encourage you to participate but time is running short.
The Book is: Olivier Clement’s Roots of Christian Mysticism and can be purchased from
Huw has posted a schedule of readings on his blog. If you are going to participate please let me know in the comment section.
Motherhood & Politics
Barack Obama has two daughters, George Bush had two daughters and by all accounts they were wild ones, Bill Clinton had a daughter and on and on and on. So why are we asking questions about Sarah Palin’s ability to do the job of VP while raising her family? Why is it that we were all over former Gov. Jane Swift of Massachusetts who gave birth whilst in office and some called her a bad mother for working.
As far as I know all of the people mentioned had a partner of some sort to help them out and as far as I know marriage is a partnership. Now not being married I could be wrong so please tell me. The VP’s only job is to have a pulse and break ties in the Senate unless the President gives her more to do. John Adams wrote that the one mistake they framers made was the position of Vice President.
I think time has come in this country that we begin to treat everyone the same no matter what you do at home. Why is it that we feel that the private lives of people running for office is any of our business. I am concerned about what they say as professionals and not what they do when they get home. We are in a mess in this country and if we start to hold our leaders to a higher standard we are going to be disappointed. We are all broken people and we all have done things in our pasts that we would rather not have dragged out into the open. And as I said yesterday, families are off limits. Ask Gov Palin how she plans to help Sen McCain if elected. Ask Barack Obama how he plans to solve the problems we have. Who gives a rats butt about what weather he does the dishes after supper or how he raises his children. Do you ask your plumber about his marriage or weather his children have children without being married?
If your decision to vote for someone is based on how they raise their children or what their children do I would rather you stay home on election day and leave the election to people who care about important issues.
Gov. Sarah Palin
Children of politicians should be off limits! The antics, not that this is an antic, of our children have no bearing on the kind of job she would do as VP. I will admit she is an amazing woman. Raising five kids, and one with down syndrome, and running the state of Alaska as well. Good for her.
So who cares about the daughter! The left came out right away and started flapping their gums about it and they should be ashamed of themselves. We are talking about a 17 year old girl here that is not a public figure. Back Off!
Gustav Part IV
I posted yesterday that IOCC is soliciting funds as is the Red Cross and other service agencies. I have also been placed on alert as part of the Emergency Response Team to head south if needed, not sure about that yet. But with my recent health problems I am not sure about going right now.
The big task ahead is working with those folks who have gone through this twice now. This will trigger thoughts and memories from Katrina that many may have thought had passed. It will be important to deal with these issues as the come up.
On the up side, and you have no idea how hard this is for me to say, but it looks like the… my hands are starting to shake… the government… I feel faint… did a.. I can’t say it… good job! Okay now I need counseling! All kidding aside, if we learn from a disaster that is the best thing that could come out of it. Don’t make the same mistakes. The only problem now is next time many more people will not want to leave because this one was not so bad.
Keep praying it is not over yet!
IOCC Emergency Appeal: Hurricane Gustav Makes Landfall
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), which is monitoring closely the situation and is in contact with its partners on the ground, has alerted its Emergency Network to be ready to mobilize if the situation warrants.
IOCC is issuing an emergency appeal with cash funds going towards immediate clean up efforts. Orthodox faithful and parishes are encouraged to begin assembling hygiene kits and emergency clean up buckets to be shipped to the Gulf Coast (for information on assembling kits go to
To help in providing emergency relief, call IOCC’s donation hotline toll-free at 1-877-803-4622, make a gift on-line at, or mail a check or money order payable to “IOCC” and write “US Emergency Response” in the memo line to: IOCC, P.O. Box 630225, Baltimore, Md. 21263-0225.
IOCC, founded in 1992 as the official humanitarian aid agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA), has implemented over $275 million in relief and development programs in 33 countries around the world.
1 September ~ St. Giles

His cult spread rapidly far and wide throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, as is witnessed by the numberless churches and monasteries dedicated to him in France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and the British Isles; by the numerous manuscripts in prose and verse commemorating his virtues and miracles; and especially by the vast concourse of pilgrims who from all Europe flocked to his shrine. In 1562 the relics of the saint were secretly transferred to Toulouse to save them from the hideous excesses of the Huguenots who were then ravaging France, and the pilgrimage in consequence declined. With the restoration of a great part of the relics to the church of St. Giles in 1862, and the discovery of his former tomb there in 1865, the pilgrimages have recommenced. Besides the city of St-Gilles, which sprang up around the abbey, nineteen other cities bear his name, St-Gilles, Toulouse, and a multitude of French cities, Antwerp, Bridges, and Tournai in Belgium, Cologne and Bamberg, in Germany, Prague and Gran in Austria-Hungary, Rome and Bologna in Italy, possess celebrated relics of St. Giles. In medieval art he is a frequent subject, being always depicted with his symbol, the hind. His feast is kept on 1 September. On this day there are also commemorated another St. Giles, an Italian hermit of the tenth century (Acta SS., XLI, 305), and a Blessed Giles, d. about 1203, a Cistercian abbot of Castaneda in the Diocese of Astorga, Spain (op. cit. XLI, 308).
From the Catholic Encyclopedia
Gustav Part III
A few days off
Tonight is an episode of Big Brother and other stuff. Tomorrow I plan, well nothing planned just relaxing and will be back in the office on Tuesday. I continue to track Gustav and keep praying.