
Yesterday after church I gave the first stewardship presentation here at the church. Until this year parishioners have been support the church through the use of dues. Each person is asked to pay a set amount to “belong” to the church. Stewardship asks each person to give from the heart and to think about church membership from a different perspective. This is a big task for any church that has been doing things the same way for years.

Part of the presentation asks questions to think about:

First, our youth, our future generation are leaving the Church. Make no mistake we are competing for the mindshare of our youth, and statistically we are being challenged. Marriages and Baptism are trending lower. We all want to see our children and grandchildren marry and baptize their children in the Church and stay connected to the Orthodox way of life. Are we doing enough to provide ministries and programs to meet the needs of our youth?

Our spiritual foundation is tested everyday with the challenges of modern society. Are we doing enough to meet the spiritual needs of His people?

We have a shortage of Priests, are we encouraging our youth to enter the Priesthood?

Are we serving the needs of the sick, the elderly, and the forgotten?

I wish to draw our attention to the question about priesthood. Are we doing all we can to encourage the young men in our parish to consider the priesthood? Vocations to the priesthood come from the parish and need to be nurtured. In this life we want the best for our children. Make as much money as you can, drive a big car, get a big house, etc. How about the church? If we as Orthodox ever hope to attain an American Orthodox Church then we need to start growing our own priests. Talk to your children about it and pray for vocations.

monastic life is another part of church life we often overlook. We need monastics in the church to pray for all of us and for the mission of God’s church. Support the monastics that you know, and if you do not know any leave me a comment and I will try and find some for you to help out.

Autum Book Club

Today begins the reading of the book Roots of Christian Mysticism. Huw has posted updated information on this project and at the present time we have 8 bloggers participating. I will be posting as I read as will the others and I will try and figure out a way to keep all of the others in the feed. If you wish to read along please join us.


Let us continue to remember those who are affected by Hurricane Ike and the aftermath. From what I have read 7 are dead and millions are without power. No idea if I will be called upon to assist but one never knows when the phone will ring.

Weekend Round Up

So where have I been you ask? What a weekend this was. It began on Thursday with the 9/11 ceremony and a wake service and then a funeral and mercy meal on Friday. After that much running around for the golf tournament on Saturday.
Saturday was the golf tournament and meal after that. Then office work that I should have done before yesterday and did not do so it was my own fault.
Sunday will bring Liturgy and the annual stewardship presentation during coffee hour. Well it is a little more than coffee hour this week as we end the summer season. After all of that I think I will crash and watch the patriots game at 4pm. GO PATS!


For those of you who wish to follow the blog on Facebook, as I asked a few days back, go to Facebook and friend me and I will send you an invite. That seems to be the easiest way.


Visiting Scholar

The faculty at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts has voted to grant me Visiting Scholar Status for the 2008-2009 academic year. This is a research position that grants me library privileges and access to other faculty. I will begin a project on the Theology of Suffering and Trauma and work to develop a course that could be taught in seminary to prepare ministerial students to deal with Trauma and Recovery in a much better way.

Article Published

I have begun witting for and my first article has just been published. Follow the link here to read the article. You can subscribe to their feed so you will be notified when new articles are published. An email is usually sent once a week with the new articles listed.

Blog on Facebook

If you are a Facebook person you can see my blog on Facebook. I only need three more people to sign up and then the feed will run live on Facebook and attract more readers. So, if you have Facebook surf on over to this link and sign up… Please! If you do not use Facebook you should. It is free and easy to sign up.
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