Celtic Invocation for Justice

I will go in the name of God,
In likeness of deer, in likeness of horse,
In likeness of serpent, in likeness of king,
Stronger am I than all persons.

The hand of God keeping me,

The love of Christ in my veins,
The strong Spirit bathing me,
The Three shielding and aiding me,
The Three shielding and aiding me;
The hand of the Spirit bathing me,
The Three each step aiding me.

Carmina Gadelica, Hymns and Incantations, Alexander Charmichael

The Economy

I will never understand this topic one bit. Okay the economy is going down the tubes fast and the only plan that our leaders seem to be able to come up with is to throw money at it! And it also seems that the leaders of these financial institutions that got us into this trouble will walk away with millions in severance packages. I don’t believe that the government should bail out private organizations at the peril of the American people. Who is going to pay the 700 billion to bail these fools out? I guess it will be us.

How are we going to learn if we do not take a hit? I am not relishing another depression but I think we need to take responsibility for what has happened. We cannot keep spending beyond our means. I am wondering if my church cannot pay it’s fuel bill this winter will the government bail me out?

The oil situation is another problem. Why is it that the only solution w can come up with is to drill for more oil? How about using less. Let us try to walk somewhere or maybe get rid of the urban assault vehicles that get like 5 miles to the gallon and drive something a bit more economical. We are doing ourselves in and before long the payment is going to come due and we are not going to have the money to pay and then the real trouble will begin. We as Americans need to be a bit less greedy and change our way of thinking that the big house and the big car will make us happy. Live within your means and life will be fine. “Thou shalt not covet your neighbors ass”. In other words don’t covet what your neighbor has be thankful for what you have!

Death Penalty

I have never been a fan of the death penalty espeically when there is some doubt about the guilt of the person about to be executed. I believe we have evolved as a people to a point where we do not need to kill people no matter what they have done. As a church we belileve in reconciliation and forgiveness. If we kill someone then we kill their chance to repent for what they have done.

There is a case in Georgia right now where the guilt of the individual involved is in question. Please visit the website of Amnesty International for more informaiton. If you believe that the government has the right to kill people in your name then please don’t waste anytime leaving comments here surf right on by. I thank you in advance.

Loon Mountain Part III

Well the weekend was wonderful and we are packing up to return home today, traveling prayers please.

The weather was the best weather we have had since 1997 here on the mountain. Usually it rains one day or the winds are so strong that our tents blow all over the place. For those of you who have never been to a highland festival before here is how it goes.

There are vendors who hawk all kinds of Scottish and Celtic stuff. You can buy your kilt and all thier supplies that go with it. All sorts of Scottish food is also available. Then there is the Clan are where all of the Clans and Societies make their home. We all set up tents and speak to passers by about of Clan or Society. We also renew old friendships and make new ones. We usually travel with the same people and set up near by so it is good to see everyone again.

Opening ceremonies where all the clans march on the field with their tartan flags and it is a great parade. My Facebook page has all the pics of the opening ceremony on it.

So the festival season is coming to a close. There is two more in Connecticut in October but we usually do not go to these festivals. Now we finish packing and start the journey home.

Loon Mountain Part II

Fr. Greg wanted me to post this pic I snapped with my cell phone camera. Not the greatest but you get the idea.

Notice the winter hat! It was very cold on the mountain like real cold…

Loon Mountain

This weekend is the Annual New Hampshire Gathering of the Clans at Loon Mountain. My family and I have been going to this event for about 5 years now and it is something we look forward too all year. There will be about 10,000 Scots and Scot wanna Be’s there this weekend all wearing kilts and whatnot. Bagpipe music will be swirling around us and the haggis will be cooking.

I believe the condo we are staying in has wireless so I will be able to blog each night and I plan to take pics as well if not I will update you all when I get back. For now I need to get the truck packed and get on the road. There is a frost warning for the mountain tonight so keep us in your prayers.

Autum Book Club Post 1

Over on Magdale’s Blog there is a discussion beginning about the book we are reading. The post is about God and weather or not God is the mover of things here on Earth. I responded as a comment but thought I would comment here as well.

In my minds eye, God is the Creator of all that we see. God created all but does not control all. God gave us free will to choose our own destiny. Yes God wishes that all of us choose the path of salvation but God does not push us, or cajole us in that direction. God puts people in our path to help us make the right decision but the decision is still ours to make.

Creation works the same way. As I mentioned in a recent sermon God does not control the weather or anything else that happens on the earth. Some small minded person commented on a post I made about Gustav that it was God’s retribution for rebuilding the French Quarter before churches. If God was in control why would churches be destroyed in the first place. I would think God would be able to make surgical strike and wipe out just what God did not like and not destroy all. After all during Passover, God asked the Hebrews to put blood on their door so God would know where they were and pass them by.

Just my 2 cents. Now to read the book and comment more.

Primary Election Day

If you live in Massachusetts today is primary election day. As Christians we have an obligation to participate in the process of electing our leaders. We have to make our voices heard or others will speak for us. Take the five minutes is takes to vote and go and vote. If you are not registered to vote, shame on you, go and register so you can vote in November. We have a very important choice to make this year and we need everyone to participate. You cannot complain about the government if you do not exercise you rights and help elect the government!
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