Word and Work
The Church exists for one reason, to proclaim Christ, the firstborn of all creation.
The Church exists for one reason, to proclaim Christ, the firstborn of all creation.
When we take on the title of Christian, we must broaden our focus and not limit it. We have to turn from our selfish ways towards the ways that bring freedom to...
I am a lover of Jesus Christ, a minister in God’s Church, and I am pro-choice.
This is the Lord's table and not ours. We do not come to it as some reward for obeying all the rules; instead, we humbly approach this table as imperfect people
Does my belief further God's kingdom of love here on earth, or does it hinder it? Does this law or politician I support further God's kingdom here on earth or h...
In a theological sense this energy transfer places an “indelible” characteristic upon the soul or spirit of the individual being ordained, that is a characteris...
Focus on changing what is inside, not what is wrong with others, another’s sins but on our own sinfulness. Change comes from within, not from without.
I stand before you today as one who has faced the sentence of excommunication from a Church, and I have to say, it is not a fun place to be.
We may not always agree with the choices that others make, but quite frankly, it is none of our business; personal freedom is just that, personal.
So, I invite you to come as redeemed and forgiven people to the empty tomb and the table. Come just as you are but leave changed.