In Weakness and in Strength
It is grace, God's sufficient and redeeming grace, that will transform the world and begin with our own transformation.
It is grace, God's sufficient and redeeming grace, that will transform the world and begin with our own transformation.
To say that ENC put me on the path to where I am today would be an understatement.
For Jesus, perfection comes not only in keeping all of the rules but also in loving and caring for each other.
The Trinity is about love, relationships, mission, and how we are all connected to each other and all of Creation.
“The word ‘Liberal’ comes from the Latin word for ‘free.’ We strive to be free and generous in our thinking and our actions. We try to let you be as free as you...
Yes, Jesus was murdered because of sin. Jesus was murdered because of the very ugliness of humanity, that very humanity that God loves so much. Jesus was murder...
It is important to remember that although Jesus knew what would happen and what those around that table would do, he still provided the bread of life and the cu...
The world changed because the man allowed the Apostles to take the colt.
You have heard me say that Jesus came to bring change, a change in our relationship with God, and a change in our relationship with others. I interpret this pas...