
I guess you could consider today to be a very busy day for me. I have no less then three meetings to attend to today. And I guess you could say that they are so...

Latin Mass

Word has reached us here in the village that Pope Benedict is going to sign what is called in the Roman Church as a Universal Indult. Since the suppression on t...

St. Snuffie

Yesterday I posted about church names and I mentioned if it was up to me, I would choose the name St. Snuffies. Some of you asked for the story behind that part...

St. Parascheva

Today on the Romanian Church Calendar is the feast of St. Parascheva. I believe her feast is latter in the year on the Greek calendar. I had the opportunity las...

Church Names

Fr. Greg has a post on his blog about how the cathedral got it’s name. I find this topic interesting so I thought I would post about how our church, St. M...

House Fire

In my previous post I mentioned my work as a fire chaplain. This has been a very rewarding ministry for me for the past few years. I serve a small department ma...


One of the most difficult parts of ministry is to be at the side of a family after the death of a loved one. This time is one of great spiritual grace for me as...

Love Your Enemy

The Gospel reading for today’s Liturgy is taken from Luke’s Gospel chapter 6 vs 31-36. A very short Gospel reading by Orthodox standards but a very ...

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