Bishop’s Visit

Our little parish is honored to be hosting our Vicar Bishop this weekend. His Grace Bishop Ioan Cassian, Vicar Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese will ...

Out Visiting

Yesterday I took a little road trip to Leominster, Massachusetts about an hour north of my little village here. Leominster is in a part of Worcester County know...

All Saints Day

Today on the Western Calendar it is the feast of All Saints. This is from the Catholic encyclopedia in reference to this feast: Solemnity celebrated on the firs...


Today’s Gospel reading was from Luke and the story of the daughter of Jarius and the woman with the issue of blood. These are stories about faith and the ...

Busy Day

Well today should be kinda busy for me here at the parish. Tonight we have our annual turkey party. This is a real hoot, and if you are in the area you should n...

Election Season

I am not one to preach politics from the pulpit. I do not think it is the place of the clergy to preach about political topics. People in this country, for bett...


Fr. Greg had a post today about the books he is working his way through so I thought I would post a list here of what I am trying to get through. Now a word of ...

Going My Way

Yesterday I watched the movie Going My Way staring Bing Crosby. During the movie the host gives out several facts about the movie and the production. The actor ...

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