Mending Fences
Many times in Scripture, Jesus uses images of a pastoral nature. He is called the good shepherd, he asks Peter to feed his lambs, and we have the parable of th...
Many times in Scripture, Jesus uses images of a pastoral nature. He is called the good shepherd, he asks Peter to feed his lambs, and we have the parable of th...
Your Holiness, Your Eminences and Excellencies: May I address you on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the Russian Orthodox C...
For centuries people have been placing themselves under the protection of the Holy Theotokos. This can be done for many reasons, in times of need or great dist...
The Gospel of Luke 8:5-15 The Lord said this parable: “A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the path, and was trodden under ...
Every Sunday, feastday and other holy day, when we go into our parish temple, we see the heart of the parish which is the sanctuary, where the Holy Table is. Wh...
Thanks to Metropolitan Methodios for taking the lead on this issue for the Orthodox in Massachusetts. This is a serious issue and I am very pleased to see that...
It has been quite some time since I did an update of what has been going on around here. I have been trying to keep the blog updated by posting at least 3 time...
Sunday, October 7th, was a time when preachers from coast to coast took to their pulpits to try and pull the IRS into a court battle. In 1954, then Senator Lynd...
The Gospel of Luke 7:11-16 At that time, Jesus went to a city called Nain, and his disciples and a great crowd went with him. As he drew near to the gate of the...
On October 6th I had the honor of joining together two people in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. I do not usually post sermons from sacraments but I thought th...