Urban Monks

Fr. Greg asked in one of his comments for my musings on urban monasticism. I want to thank Fr. Greg for getting me back on message. Having monks in the Orthodox...

Walking on Water

Yesterday’s Gospel passage for the liturgy was from Matthew 14. In this passage we see Peter attempting to walk on water. I thought I would post some comm...


When I started this blog, I thought I would be posting stuff about monasticism as that is one of my interests. Well it has not turned out that was. However, her...

Church Website

Our church website has been redesigned, thanks to the work of Orthocelt. Man this guy is good. He took our rather bland website and kicked it up a notch. Check ...


Today is the feast of the Transfiguration. It is a rare treat when one of the major feasts falls on a Sunday and more people are in church. I preached on the Tr...

Heat Wave

Today the thermometer hit 92 in Southbridge. Man this is hot. I have been spending the day in A/C here at the parish house and watching old episodes of West Win...


Since the tragic accident a few days ago my mind has turned toward revenge. At the coffee hour yesterday after the Liturgy people were talking about how they wa...

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