Site Meter

Yesterday I attached site meter to the blog to see where people where coming from and how many people pass by each day. Now I will admit that most people seem t...


What a wonderful time I had on retreat. I would recommend to all that you take time to spend a day or two on retreat. As I blogged before I was off to Petersham...

Weekend Recap

This was an unusually busy weekend here in the village. I have blogged before, I am the chaplain to the Dudley Fire Dept. Tow of the fire fighters lost their mo...

St. Devenick

According to The Book of Saint Devenick (1961), St Devenick was one of the last missionaries to be sent out from St Ninian’s monastery at Whithorn to mini...

St. Brice

There is hope for me yet. St. Brice was raised by St. Martin of Tours at Marmoutier and also known as Britius. He became a vain, overly ambitious cleric, holdin...

St. Martin of Tours

Today is the feast day of St. Martin of Tours. St. Martin was born in Pannonia of pagan parents around the year 316. He gave up military life and was baptized. ...

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