
One of the many hats I wear is as a member of the Southbridge Historical Commission. The Commission is charged with keeping the history in the town alive and in...


Never being one to enter a room that I am not wanted in, I thought I would share this link with you all about the situation going on in the Anglican Communion. ...

Parish Renovation

Today is a big day in the life of our little parish. The bathrooms in the parish hall, circa 1950, are getting a much needed face lift. Right now I can hear the...

Judgment Sunday

This Sunday of the pre-Lenten season is the Sunday of the Last Judgment. On this day we see, in the Gospel lesson from Matthew 25:31-46, the conditions upon whi...

Saturday of Souls

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 Luke 21:8-9, 25-27, 35-36 Today is the first Saturday of the Souls in the Orthodox Church. On this day we remember all of those who have...

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