A Follow-up to the VA Story
The Boston Globe has a story today that follows the previous post regrading the Veteran’s Administration. Here
The Boston Globe has a story today that follows the previous post regrading the Veteran’s Administration. Here
Thanks to the Young Foggy at the Conservative Blog for Peace for posting this article. We need to keep up on all of this that is going on about the war. As our ...
Never being one to enter a room that I am not wanted in, I thought I would share this link with you all about the situation going on in the Anglican Communion. ...
Today is a big day in the life of our little parish. The bathrooms in the parish hall, circa 1950, are getting a much needed face lift. Right now I can hear the...
This Sunday of the pre-Lenten season is the Sunday of the Last Judgment. On this day we see, in the Gospel lesson from Matthew 25:31-46, the conditions upon whi...
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 Luke 21:8-9, 25-27, 35-36 Today is the first Saturday of the Souls in the Orthodox Church. On this day we remember all of those who have...
A quick scan around the Internet will reveal many so called “Independent Churches” that have a presence on the net. The ones I like best are the one...
The third and final antiphon is chanted another small litany and then the Prayer of the Third Antiphon is said: You that have bestowed on us these communal pray...
Continuing on from yesterday we have the Prayer of the Second Antiphon. After a short litany that is the same for each of these we have the following prayer: O ...
With Great Lent just around the corner I thought I would do some posting on the silent prayers of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. These are the praye...