Aposticha Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Friday Evening of the 2nd Week of Great Lent: Now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation. In your mercy vi...

Aposticha Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Thursday Evening of the 2nd Week of Great Lent: Our first parents did not fast from the tree of knowledge, as the Creat...

Aposticha Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Wednesday Evening of the 2nd Week of Great Lent: Keeping a spiritual fast, O brethren, let us speak no lies with our to...

Presanctified Liturgy

During Great Lent we Orthodox celebrate the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. A tip of the kamilavka to Fr. Thomas Hopko for the following: The usual Divine L...

Ancient Faith Radio

Several years ago, some Orthodox folks in the Chicago area began an Internet radio ministry called Ancient Faith Radio. What a wonderful resource this is. Tune ...


This recipe comes from a parishioner, Carol P. I made this yesterday and it came out pretty good. The only mistake I made was not setting the crock pot on high....

More on Peace

The Orthodox Peace Fellowship has many wonderful resources for the study of peace from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Here is the link to the website. I wil...

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