Snow Storm

Well it would seem that old man winter is not done with us yet. If you believe the weather man we are due for about a foot of snow between today (Friday) and to...


For the past few weeks I have been leading my congregation on a journey through the Ten Commandments. What a learning experience this has been for me also as it...

Apostica Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Thursday Evening of the 3rd Week of Great Lent: O Christ our God, the life of all, You were hung upon the Cross: restor...

Apostica Prayers

The Aposticha Prayers for the Vespers on Wednesday Evening of the 3rd Week of Great Lent: Like the prodigal, I squandered the riches which the Father gave me. N...


On Tuesday, March 6th the INS raided a factory in New Bedford, Massachusetts and detained more than 300 undocumented workers and transported them to a holding f...

Another Celebrity Rant

Okay, it would seem that Tom Brady has been up to it again. A story in today’s Boston Globe reports that Mr. Brady and his new girlfriend, note girlfriend...

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