Virginia Tech
I have been trying to make some sense of of the events of yesterday and I am having a hard time getting my mind around what happened. What causes someone to do ...
I have been trying to make some sense of of the events of yesterday and I am having a hard time getting my mind around what happened. What causes someone to do ...
Acts: 5:12-20John 20:19-31 A missionary was tortured for preaching Christ in pagan Burma. His fingernails were torn from the roots and he was hung by his finger...
As I mentioned in a previous post, I had the honor of leading the Kirking of the Tartans service yesterday. Below is the sermon I gave for the event. It is recr...
Another school shooting. Let us pray for all those involved, the victims, families, and the first responders.
A story on the deaths in Iraq.
I am blogging today from and undisclosed location. Yesterday was a busy day. Busier than usual but a good day. Regular Liturgy in the morning with the usual cro...
Several months ago I posted about changing the name of this blog. Well I don’t think I will change the name but maybe the direction. One of the first spir...
It is kind of funny to me that most of the blogs I read went silent during Holy Week. I on the other hand, go silent after Holy Week. I wanted to post some refl...
Well the nominations are out and your humble host has been nominated. So if you think this blog is worthy of being awarded something go here and select best rel...
Army lengthens tours by 3 months