Russian Orthodox Reconciliation Hailed
MOSCOW, MAY 24, 2007 ( The Catholic archbishop of Moscow has applauded the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church after an 80-year schism. Int...
MOSCOW, MAY 24, 2007 ( The Catholic archbishop of Moscow has applauded the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church after an 80-year schism. Int...
If you are following the debate in the US Senate of the Immigration bill you can follow it here
Senate votes to slash the number of guest workers allowed in US
Missed this one yesterday. St. CathanFeastday: May 176th or 7th century Bishop of the isle of Bute, in Scotland, called Kil-Cathan in his honor. A tomb bearing ...
This has been a very different week here in the Village. I worked most of the week at the Fire House working on a vehicle that should make my life a little easi...
Hat tip to Ben Johnson of Western Orthodoxy for this post. The Five Pillars of Orthodoxy
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Associated Press Writer May 17, 2007 WASHINGTON –Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday ...
Yesterday the check arrived from the contractor. Now all we need to do is make sure it does not bounce.