
My post on Christian Persecution has stirred up some comments and I think that is good. However I reserve the right to delete any comment that I find insulting ...

Christian Persecution

I have been silent on this issue this past week but if you have been following the news, not the mainstream news mind you, you would have read about the priest ...

New Podcast

Episode #3 of the Shepherd of Souls Podcast is now up. You can get informaiton at the Blog Site of the show. Shepherd of Souls

Blogging Light

Blogging will be light for a few days. I am in a seminar on Pastoral Crisis Intervention. A continuation of the Critical Incident Stress Management training. To...

June 1st ~ St. Ronan

There are twelve Irish saints bearing the name of Ronan commemorated in the “Martyrology of Donegal”; of these the most celebrated are: St. Ronan of...

Church Teaching?

There has been a storm brewing in St. Louis over Archbishop Raymond Burke holding fast to church teaching. Now you might say, “What’s wrong with tha...

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