Vacation Cont.

I like this camping with Internet, cable tv, and other sorts of things not like tent camping for sure. Right now we are in the midst of a thunder storm and it i...

Firefighters Death

We were reminded again today just how dangerous the job of a firefighter is. Nine brave souls were lost this morning in Charleston, South Carolina. Let us remem...

16 June ~ St. Cyrus

Celebrated martyrs of the Coptic Church, surnamed thaumatourgoi anargyroi because they healed the sick gratis (Nilles, Kallendarium utriusque Ecclesiæ, Innsbruc...

Vacation Part II

Well we made it. The trailer I was following had a flat about 2 miles from the exit we were taking but other than that no problems at all. Took us about 5 hours...


I am off in the morning on a little vacation. I am going camping near lake Ontario in New York. I have been planning this since January and the time is here. Pl...

Rudy and the Lightning

I find this very funny. At the last debate Rudy Giuliani was commenting on a letter that Bishop Tobin from Providence wrote about his stand, or lack there of, o...


So it would seem that my recent posts have caused a stirring in the masses. I think that discussion is good and can bear fruit and we can learn from each other....

Facing East Podcast

Episode #3 of the Podcast is now online. In this episode, Fr. Greg and I discuss the Unification of ROCOR and the Church of Russia and the affects on the Church...

June 9th ~ St. Baithene

An Irish monk, specially selected by St. Columba as one of the band of missionaries who set sail for Britain in 563. Born in 536, the son of Brenaron, he was an...

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