Vacation Cont.

I like this camping with Internet, cable tv, and other sorts of things not like tent camping for sure. Right now we are in the midst of a thunder storm and it i...

Firefighters Death

We were reminded again today just how dangerous the job of a firefighter is. Nine brave souls were lost this morning in Charleston, South Carolina. Let us remem...

16 June ~ St. Cyrus

Celebrated martyrs of the Coptic Church, surnamed thaumatourgoi anargyroi because they healed the sick gratis (Nilles, Kallendarium utriusque Ecclesiæ, Innsbruc...

Vacation Part II

Well we made it. The trailer I was following had a flat about 2 miles from the exit we were taking but other than that no problems at all. Took us about 5 hours...


I am off in the morning on a little vacation. I am going camping near lake Ontario in New York. I have been planning this since January and the time is here. Pl...

Rudy and the Lightning

I find this very funny. At the last debate Rudy Giuliani was commenting on a letter that Bishop Tobin from Providence wrote about his stand, or lack there of, o...


So it would seem that my recent posts have caused a stirring in the masses. I think that discussion is good and can bear fruit and we can learn from each other....

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