Advent – A Time of Preparation
With the pandemic still about, this year could be a time for us to recapture some of what Advent is supposed to be about.
With the pandemic still about, this year could be a time for us to recapture some of what Advent is supposed to be about.
Almighty God, We thank you for all we see of your own beauty in the world you have created, and in people’s lives you are re-creating day by day. We thank you f...
THANKSGIVING DAY, 2020 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant bles...
But most of all, let us be thankful that God loves us and that we are forgiven.
I have to repent for the part I have played in the division that exists in this Country and do penance for that part I have played.
Written by The Rev. Shannon Kelly, Director Department of Faith Formation, The Episcopal Church Loving God, creator of this world who is our source of our wisdo...
We need more saints in our world today!
Friends, the wisdom for the way is to treat people how you wish to be treated, without exception.
God forgives us and loves us, and so we must forgive and love ourselves and others.
But the goal of forgiveness is to restore us to love. Sure, we can choose to be angry and withhold forgives, and there are somethings that we may never be able ...