Scripture Mediation: Abiding in Love
Prune away those things that do not bear fruit in your lives, and you will see a difference.
Prune away those things that do not bear fruit in your lives, and you will see a difference.
My theology teaches me that the so-called “repayment” for our sins was not the cross but the cradle
Peace be with you!
"he showed them his hands and his side."
But go and tell his disciples and Peter…
Jesus died on that cross as an ultimate expression of love.
Of all of the women of her time, God chose Mary for this honor.
The act of salvation was completed at the Birth of Jesus, the act of love was completed on the cross.
We need to look past the blood and the gore of the Crucifixion and see in that scene the love of God, God who was willing to take on our frailty to show us a ne...