Before taking first vows as a Benedictine monk, I was required to attend a five-day retreat at another monastery. During the retreat, along with the silence and prayer, I attended classes taught by a seasoned Monk by the name of Finbar. The wisdom oozed from Finbar and his experience of monastic life over many, many decades. As the week was coming to a close, I remember asking Finbar what the secret of success was for the monastic life. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Patience, patience, patience.” Never were more real words spoken.
Patience was necessary for my life in the monastery as well as life outside of those walls. But patience alone will not help us achieve our goals, perseverance, along with patience, is what is necessary. Most success is due more to persevering than luck, skills, or ability. Here are five questions to ask yourself to become super-determined, preserver, and boldly succeed in life.
1. When have I persevered and succeeded?
2. When have I given up and regretted it?
3. What stops me from persevering? Where do I get in my way?
4. What do I believe about my ability to achieve my goals and dreams? How does this affect me?
5. What would it feel like to roll up my sleeves and do what’s necessary – no matter what?
If we can figure out what we have done in the past that brought us success, and we can determine how to get out of our way, we will be set on the path to success.
If you need help in realizing your dreams, setting goals, and persevering, get in contact, and we can begin a conversation.