Nativity Services

Yesterday after Divine Liturgy we did a quick change of the church from Advent to the Nativity season. All of the red was replaced with white and candles were placed around in different places of the church. Then a quick lunch, a little nap, and Great Vespers was served in the church. Although the group of faithful was small it was a very prayerful way to welcome the Christ Child into our midst. This year I kept the baby from the crib out of the way until last night. Funny thing is only one person noticed that he was not there. Hmmmm.
Today we have one liturgy and then I am off to spend time with family. This has been a very quiet season for us here in the village. I am going to try and take some pictures of the church and post them latter in the week.
Cracun Fericite, Merry Christmas to all who honor me by reading my words on this blog. I look forward to blogging this coming year.



  1. Dear Fr. Peter,

    Blessed Nativity Feast to you and yours! I hope you do post pictures. It would be lovely to see them.

    Today at Divine Liturgy, there were very few faithful. But it was beautiful nonetheless.

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