
Yesterday during our festival we had four priests in attendance. At one point we were all gathered around and we started talking about how much we missed out PLN (Post Liturgical Nap). It seems all clergy use most or part of their Sunday afternoon for their PLN. Yesterday I obviously missed mined but by 8:30pm I was fast asleep.

So it brings up the subject of Sabbath and how we live that out. This morning while reading the blogs I came across a posting by the Prior of Holy Cross Monastery in New York on this very subject. Here is a link to the Priors Column.

He has given me some things to think about on this post festival day.


  1. Read the article with interest. Seems Sabbath was made more for men. As I recall, my mom would take catnaps on Sunday afternoons while trying to watch a movie. She was so tired that she would sleep sitting up. Maybe that’s where I get it. There was no meal on Sunday evenings. If you hungry you’d be on your own, helping yourself to whatever you could find. Of course, this was not an option for younger children or babies. I don’t remember when I last “slept in” as the expression goes. Today, after making coffee and lunch for the hubby, I went back to bed until 10a.m., as I was really exhausted after a long weekend. I felt like as they say “a basket case.” Sabbath sounds good to me, not many partakers though.

  2. after sunday service and coffee hour my husband and i have gotten into the habit of going to a book store ,getting a coffee from the coffee shop in the store then if were lucky being able to sit in one of those over stuffed chairs with a mindless book for several hours.(sometimes its so quite and comfortable i doze on and off while i’m reading.) when we first started to do this i felt guilty like i should be doing something constructive with my time but its so nice to be somewhere relatively quite and just having nothing to do and no one to bother certainly helps relax the mind. Sunday should be a day of rest be it alone or with others.God was pretty smart when he said one day a week we need to praise him and just enjoy the day he made for us.anne

  3. I am sorry that I missed your festival – I am new to the area so I do not have all these things on the calendar. Lord willing I and many of my parishioners will make it next year.

    I am right with you on the Sunday afternoon nap – it is an essential part of the day (too easily sacrificed to other demands).

    I look forward to meeting you one day.

    In Christ,

    Fr. Anthony
    St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church
    Woonsocket, RI

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