Is Outrage!

Over on the blog Adventures of an Orthodox Mom, the author takes on the Dallas Morning News and their recent depiction of the Icon of Christ with the head of Harry Potter. I find this very offensive and as the Orthodox Mom says: “Do you think that if this were an altered image of Allah, the Muslim community would be quiet? Why is it that Christians are supposed to see the face of their Lord and Saviour, He who created the world, defaced and then to top it off stay quiet about it?”

So here it is, it is up to you now write if you like, and I hope people will. I think we should send them copies of the real Icon. Think about it if every Orthodox Christian sent an Icon of Christ the them that would be big!

The Dallas Morning News

508 Young St.
Dallas, TX 75202


Linda Crosson
Religion Editor

1 Comment

  1. I think it's egregious for anyone to mock anyone else's faith. In this country we get to worship as we please. Or not. For one side to chastise the other is wrong.

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